Castores The Invasion

The Invasion

Disaster / Destruction

1/3 AI
9/3 AI

The world is forever changed as the Invaders darken the skies of Dathenay. Dath is reduced to a waste, the Almazyn are oblitered, alliances are forged, and betrayals that haunt the world are enacted.

Great angular black fortresses appeared across the sky, primarily in Dathenay. The Kinnara and Almazyn, along with their Sky Dragon allies were the first to challenge them. Some of the most powerful of Castores' civilizations, they were able to hold the Invaders largely in what is now Northern Dath.   In 4/0 AI however, the land of the Almazyn was obliterated via bombardment, sinking the landmass and sending the floating cities of the crystal people to the sea floor. The Kinnara soon fall as well, slaughtered as their lands are claimed as the staging grounds of the Invaders.   In 8/0 AI, Rouran, the Hakkyn Empire, saves the continent of Jhanin from the Invaders by taking out the “World Breaker” with a colossal Lightcraft cannon. It does so without the promised help of the elves, and suffers heavy losses.   In the weeks leading up to the destruction of the World Breaker, the Invaders began to suffer from internal conflict. After is destruction, continued infighting results in their own defeat, with some believed to have departed Castores entirely.

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