Veznaru Ethnicity in Casmyr | World Anvil


Not Playable in "Morovian Nights".
The Veznaru is a common sight on the roads of Morovia. They set up camp where ever they please, and do not seem to respect the law of the land. They are seen as as nothing more than thieves and tricksters, and some people believe that the Veznaru is out to rob them blind. Some people blame the Veznaru for everything bad that happens in the area, and if children go missing, many assume that the Veznaru did it.   The Veznaru rarely break into peoples houses, and never ever abduct children. The Veznaru isn't evil, they only value their own freedom over others. They believe that if those that visit their carnival is dumb enough to fall for a cheap trick, its their own fault. The Veznaru carnival runs on the principle: "There is one born every minute".   The Veznaru has a strict rule never to pick anyone's pocket...The fools are going to fork over their coin willingly...   Few people like being made a fool of, and those that has fallen for the Veznaru "Fortune Teller scam" is will only return with a group of their friends to beat the crap out of the Carnies.   There is one thing that puzzle scholars...The Veznaru is able to roam the night without being attacked by the land. Even most undead ignore them! Some say that it is just a coincidence..and that the Veznaru has knowledge about  the land that others don't. Some whisper: -"Witchcraft!"-


Major language groups and dialects

Veznar is the preferred language, also known as "Circus Speak".

Culture and cultural heritage

Also known as "Circus Folk" and "Carnies", the Veznaru is, according to myth, the original people of Morovia. They are rumored to be foul witches that make pacts with foul demons and other unnatural creatures.

Common Dress code

Colorful with lots of jewelry.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The Carnies travel in caravans and rarely settle in one place longer than a week or two.

Major organizations

The Veznaru belong to large extended families, known as "Clans".
Encompassed species
Related Organizations
Related Myths
Languages spoken
Related Locations


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