Ollux Character in Candle'Bre | World Anvil


There was a time when Ollux could count some 3-5% of the Basin's population as followers but since the Great War, the Dark God's star has dimmed considerably. This stems almost entirely from the fact that his efforts to lure the most corrupted soul of the age to his destruction, backfired completely.   Instead of devouring that soul, his intended victim had grown so powerful that he actually inflicted serious harm to Ollux, which sent him reeling. Ollux retreated to recover and heal, lapsing into a deep sleep.   During that time, his followers lost all power. As Ollux was not conscious to receive requests for aid from his followers, none were granted. His Priests lost all ability to cast spells.   Once the Great War had been won, and sensing an opportunity, Erich Castillar, the new Prelate of the Church of the HighFather unleashed the Officers of the Inquisition, who systematically hunted down Ollux's followers.   While his Inquisitors were doing that, the Prelate lobbied the heads of the other major religions and declared that they should collectively ban all Necromantic magic. His arguments were solid and with his own followers behind him, along with nearly every follower of Reyhue & Laernan and most of Kaylaar's followers as well, the ban stuck and was ruthlessly enforced. At present, there are all of three Necromantic spells in existence in the Basin, and their use is tightly governed.   There are persistent rumors that the Dark God has finally re-awakened and is quietly rebuilding his base of support, but none can say for certain.   Note: Although Ollux rightly belongs in the section with the Divines, his religion is somewhat less fleshed out in the Splat books because I don't see him as a player-selectable deity. I run heroic campaigns. The characters are unquestionably the good guys. Therefore, players in this world don't play evil characters and any follower of Ollux would be. So there you go.

Divine Domains


Holy Books & Codes


Holy Sites

No Holy Sites known.

Tenets of Faith

Although Ollux’s followers have been largely destroyed, there are still whispers of their lingering presence in the dark corners of the Basin, and practitioners of the major religions of the Realm are ever watchful for signs of their return.   This is just a brief section to make note of that and to encourage DM’s to at least consider adding rumors of, or perhaps even developing a story arc that involves an attempt by his highly scattered remaining followers, perhaps with help from the Shadow Court, to awaken the Dark God and take revenge on those who destroyed his flock.   Given that I regard the game as an exercise in building heroes, I have included no notes for player character Clerics of Ollux. He’s an evil god. His followers are the bad guys, and in my view, should be used exclusively for that purpose.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ollux appears tall and gaunt, but nothing of his physical features can be seen. His eyes are hidden in the depths of a cowl and he wears billowing black robes that cover him completely. His robes billow around him constantly, even when there is no breeze, making him appear to be a terrifying black-clad scarecrow in a storm.
Divine Classification
Death, The Moon, The Underworld, Necromancy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
240 pounds


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