J'honsa, the God of Hardships Character in Candle'Bre | World Anvil

J'honsa, the God of Hardships


J'honsa is the head of the pantheon of Candle'Bre. He is this world's Zeus. The majority of people currently living in the Basin are followers of the HighFather, and with good reason. In addition to being the God of Hardships, he's also the God of law, order and civilization. Given the rough and tumble history the folk of the Basin have had to endure, it's no wonder they wear their faith to the God of Hardships as a badge of honor. They're a tough, industrious People. J'honsa has made them so.  


  • Has more followers than any other Divine or Cosmic Entity with dealings in the Basin.
  • Brought to the Basin by the refugees fleeing from Old Imperium.
  • First head of the HighFather's religion in the Basin: Arliss Castillar.
  • Current head of the HighFather's Religion: Erich Castillar.

Divine Domains

  • Life
  • Light
  • Knowledge
  • Order


  • Justicaar
  • Redemption
  • Vengeance

Holy Books & Codes

The Book of Works and Deeds

Holy Sites

  • The Temple of the HighFather in Sutheron
  • The "Emerald Cathedral" (Forest of StroudHaven)
  Note that the fact that J'honsa's followers control the forest of StroudHaven (and by extension, the World Tree) is especially galling to the followers of Kaylaar. She is the Goddess of Nature, after all. If anyone in the Pantheon should have a strong claim to an enchanted forest with an unnaturally huge tree at its center, it would be Kaylaar, but here, the followers of J'honsa used their far superior numbers and simply bullied their way into control of the forest.   Recognizing that such a prize would bolster the number of follower Kaylaar received (and perhaps substantially) the followers of J'honsa took to calling it the "Emerald Cathedral" and almost immediately declared it a Holy Site.   The conservative faction of the church dispatched zealots to the region to press their claim and these evolved into the Order of the Pine cross, a group that maintains control over the forest to this very day, and one that is constantly battling with the Free Folk, who are virtually all ardent Kaylaar supporters.   This then, goes most of the distance in explaining one of the longest and most bitter rivalries in the whole of the Basin (Pine Cross vs. Free Folk).

Tenets of Faith

In the city of Suth, in the Grand Temple, there is a section of tiled floor. It is ten steps to the altar. There are two paths. Take the easy path, and you can walk right up to the altar. The hard path sees you walking on alternating black and white tiles. Every step gets harder. To even take the first step, you must make a DC 13 Wisdom save. Each step beyond the first, the DC increases by 1, so by the time you reach the end of the line, you’re facing a DC 23 Wisdom save.   Few practitioners of the Faith make it that far, but almost all attempt it. Multiple times. It is not at all uncommon to find members of the Faithful passed out and recovering on cots in the Grand Temple, having failed at the attempt to reach the altar.   That’s the Church of the HighFather. in a nutshell. If presented with two paths, one easy and one hard, the Faithful will almost always pick the hard path. On purpose.   To face an unimaginable hardship and come through it stronger is the hope and goal of every servant of the HighFather.   Faithful servants of the HighFather root out and expose corruption wherever it is found, for they understand that civilization can only be maintained by the strict imposition of order. Those who seek to use the trappings and stations of civilization to increase their own power are not to be tolerated. As such, these things are regarded as sinful:  
  • Sloth – Tolerate not the slothful man.
  • Pride – Your achievements are not your own.
  • Lack of Perseverance – Adversity is a challenge to be relished and overcome. Choosing the easy, expedient path is always frowned upon, while intentionally choosing the hard path builds strength and character.
  • Corruption – Law was given by the HighFather. Civilization arose because the HighFather willed it. Any man who corrupts the HighFather’s creation is to be punished most harshly.
  • Any breakdown in the rule of law.

Physical Description

Body Features

A well muscled warrior with several notable scars, including a prominent one on his face.   J'honsa looks every bit the warrior. He has the carriage and appearance of someone who has lived a hard life and come through it stronger than ever. He governs and commands his followers in the same way he lives his life. He is hard and unyielding but he can be kind and he rewards hard work and perseverance. Interestingly, the Faithful who have seen him report that they can tell all of that intuitively, simply by gazing upon him.


J'honsa, the God of Hardships

spouse (Trivial)

Towards Kaylaar, Goddess of Magic



Kaylaar, Goddess of Magic

spouse (Important)

Towards J'honsa, the God of Hardships




J'honsa and Kaylaar are a study in opposites.  They'd really have to work at it to be more different than they are.   Kaylaar is wild and free.  Tempestuous.  J'honsa is staid and steady.  A hard man, but a fair one.  Even so, for someone like Kaylaar, he's a difficult man to love, or even remain close to, and yet...she recognizes the inherent weakness that too much chaos and unpredictability can breed.  It was she who made the conscious decision to remain at J'honsa's side, rather than going her own way long ago.

Divine Classification
Hardships, Law, Light, Order, Knowledge, Redemption, Vengeance
Brown, short cropped
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
255 pounds

A Priest of Knowledge

A Priestess of Life

A Priestess of Order

An Oath of Devotion Paladin

An Oath of the Justicaar Paladin

An Oath of Vengeance Paladin


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