Church of the Waters Organization in Cameryth | World Anvil
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Church of the Waters

Since time immemorial, there has always been a spirit to watch over the great salted waters. First, it was only one, the Ocean Spirit, who presided over the whole of the waters. Then, she was divided, separated into seven Sea Spirits who each guarded their own portion of the waters. They fought often, bringing up massive and deadly storms at their borders as they warred for territory. In their struggles, they have come to shape the world as it is today.
— Excerpt from the Teachings of Nairilan the Aged


The church has several temples dedicated to the Sea Spirits all across the globe, though exclusively in areas with clear view of the ocean.   A fair amount of riches is collected by the church annually to give as offering to the spirits. This includes gold, jewelry, silver, and the occasional artisan-crafted weapon or armour piece.


The Church of the Waters has been around for about as long as humanfolk have been sailing. Shrines and temples have cropped up in various areas, particularly where the seas are known for being violent or where land is quickly eroded.   A pivotal moment in the church's history, and the oldest record the scholars have today, is the cursing of Davy Jones. Over time he became a sort of devil figure as well as ferryman of the dead to the members of the church and this changed the worship from solely asking the spirits for grace to begging for mercy should they die on the water, that Davy Jones would collect them swiftly and carry them to their destination without delay.   The church started out as something only sailors were a part of, but as time went on and the sailors shared the rituals and tenants with their families, worship of the Sea Spirits spread to many seaside settlements. Even larger port cities will have grand temples dedicated to their local Spirit so sailors and residents can pray for the safety of their harbour and those setting sail from their docks. It is even common for fishing communities to pray for a good catch before setting out for the day.

Tenets of Faith

  1. We who are at the mercy of the Spirits are subservient to their whims
  2. Mock not the Ladies of the Deeps
  3. Bury your dead at sea and with their bodies leave a gift for the Ladies, that the dead's souls may not be tormented by Davy Jones
  4. Receive a gift from the sea with grace, for the Ladies have blessed you


Common worship practices are the leaving of offerings for the priests to throw into the sea and singing hymns. Hymns can sometimes be accompanied by instruments, but it is more traditional for the songs to be strictly vocal and performed in areas with good acoustics that face the water.


Priests of the temple are often men who've survived nearly drowning in the seas, believed to be chosen by their local spirit to teach the flock. It is also common for those who are known to be fathers of sirens to become priests in the church, but there are very few of those men in these days.

From water we came and to water we will return

Religious, Organised Religion
Related Myths


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