Yasei's Rest Geographic Location in Cambrium | World Anvil
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Yasei's Rest (Yah-sais Rest)

  Yasei's Rest is the name of the lake situated in the central region of Iskan. It is the largest and most famous lake of the continent, and is named after the deity Yasei the Wild Lord. It is unique in that the trees that grow around its banks, the fullmoon maples, is the only place these trees are known to grow. They spend the majority of the year growing with green leaves, which then change a vivid dark red between Martius (March) and Apru (April). Because of this phenomenon it has become a popular tourist location, which in turn brings a lot of tourism to the nearest city, Yamashihoro. The trees are protected by law to prevent people from cutting them down or trying to steal their seedlings, however the sale of fullmoon maples can be found in various black markets for a hefty price.   The lake has religious significance to those that follow Yasei, and is believed to have healing properties to those that are blessed by the Wild Lord, which causes many sick and infirm to come to the lake in the hopes of healing, in turn spreading the worship of Yasei throughout the world.