Pandcakes Item in Calradia | World Anvil


Pandcakes are a common breakfast item throughout the continent of Calradia. Usually produced using a simple batter of eggs, milk, butter, and flour, they are fried on a pan and coating in sweet or savoury topppings.   Pandcake creation and topping habits are sometimes a topic of fierce debate among differing Calradian cultures, specifically regarding what "should", or "ought", to go on a pandcake. For example, Battanians believe that only fruits belong on pandcakes, while Eastern and Southern Empire citizens prefer whipped creams, custards, and syrups produced from sugarcane.
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Pandcakes are very common among communities large and small across the continent, though they are usually only produced when resources are abundant, as they are intensive in expensive goods like cow's milk and flour in times of shortages.


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