Goblins Species in Calradia | World Anvil


Goblins are small, black-hearted humanoids that lair in despoiled dungeons, remote cave systems, and other dismal settings. They often gather around a single powerful figure, whether it be a so-called "Boss-Gretch" of their own, or another powerful entity such as a giant, dragon, or even other Greenskins such as Orcs or Hobgoblins.    Individually weak, they must gather in large numbers to torment other creatures.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Goblins reproduce rapidly, though no scholar or researcher has ever been able to successfully record HOW they reproduce. They have no visible reproductive organs, or any discernible genders, yet their tribes can grow from only a few hundred, to thousands in more rapid succession in comparison to any civilized race.

Growth Rate & Stages

The only sign of "growth stages" in goblins is that they usually only grow to a few feet tall. Some smaller "young" goblins have been seen, but no babies have ever been recorded. As such, it is believed that they are created as just smaller versions of their grown brethren, and simply grow to the size of majority over time. A goblin can become "mature" (having reached it's maximum size) by as young as 1 year old. No known goblins have died from old age, though their short life expectancies are likely caused by lifestyle factors, rather than true natural causes.

Ecology and Habitats

goblins have been found in almost every climate across the continent of Calradia. Goblins have been known to be extremely adaptable, and can be found in deserts, as well as Tundra. They use their base cunning to learn to hunt the creatures that are local to them, and have even been seen to adapt physiologically. For example, Desert Goblins have turned a sandy/white color to aid in defense from the sun, and have learned to create sand burrows to ambush their prey.    All Goblins though prefer dark and dank places to live and sleep, usually only venturing forth from these places to hunt or fight. As such, remote cave systems across the continent are known to be their favorite living spaces.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Goblins will consume literally anything that is edible, from mosses to meats. However, Goblins have a particular preference for meat, and their primitive societies will often organize around the goal of gaining more access to meats more quickly. As such, many areas that are goblin infested will be rapidly depleted of prey animals such as rabbits and deer, and the Goblins will even hunt predators such as bears and wolves for their meat.


Goblins are naturally quarrelsome and violent, often resorting to violence first, and using dialogue as a last resort. However, Goblins are also cowardly, and will only pick fights that they think they can win. Unfortunately this usually means that a single stronger being will dominate tribes of Goblins, and utilize them to fight for them under threat of destruction, hoping to counter the Goblins' cowardly nature with fear.    All of this means that Goblins will often act in ambush only, and prefer to avoid frontal confrontation with their enemies, prey or otherwise.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution


Average Intelligence


Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Goblins will often try and tame other base creatures to their will, and use them to fight others and each other. Goblins have successfully tamed wolves, spiders, scorpions, Saber-tooth tigers, and even the occasional bear.
3-5 years
Average Height
3 Feet
Average Weight
45-65 Lbs
Average Physique
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Usually Green, though other colours have been discovered as adaptations to their local environments.


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