Battanian Warbands Military Formation in Calradia | World Anvil

Battanian Warbands

The warbands of Battania are unique across the continent of Calradia. This is the only all-volunteer force that exists, due to the fierce independence of the people of the nation. For this reason, Battanian soldiers are actually called "volunteers". They volunteer because they want to defend their homeland against the empire to maintain their personal freedoms, and because many believe whole-heartedly that their people's are heirs to the continent. Not only these, but of course the fight for glory and loot as well.    Battanian Warbands vary widely based on the region they come from, the people who volunteered, and under whom they are fighting. What is similar among them all though is their tactics. Most Battanian volunteers come from the Wyldwood, or other rural areas, and are master hunters, survivalists and trappers. In battle they use all of these skills to their advantage, setting traps, laying ambushes, and to finish the enemy off, charge in with large two-handed swords and scythes called "falxes".   Due to their fervour, their ferocity, and the speed at which they attack their enemies from stealth, a Battanian charge can be devastating. Further, their nobles fight on foot, and are combination archers and berserkers. They fire a volley of extremely accurate arrows, and charge in before the enemy has a chance to regroup. This is combined with druids of the forest, weilding powerful fey magics to disorient, demoralize, and sap the energy of their enemies.    The disdavntages are that they have less staying power. Battanian armies lack significant amounts of heavy armour (wearing mostly chainmail and half-plate), and their berserkers will get widdled down quickly in a sustained fight. They rely on breaking their enemies outright, and usually succeed. They have not expanded far beyond the Battanian homelands though, as their tactics grow less and less effective the further they get from woodlands and marshes.


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