Balgard Settlement in Calradia | World Anvil


Balgard, which sits on the icy waters of Mazopor Bay, was founded by migrants from the Nordlands. Sagas hold that the initial wave of Nords arrogantly demanded tribute from the nearby tribes, who formed an alliance and drove the newcomers back to their ships. But the victors fell out over the spoils, until a canny Nord, Gundar, landed and volunteered to help them fairly divvy up the weapons and armor of his dead kinsmen. The residents recognized Gundar's lordship over the region and his descendants, intermarried with the locals, are today the Boyars of the Vaegirs.   The city itself sits betwixt a mountainous valley, which prevents access to the rest of the peninsula to it's North, effectively creating a safe-zone, behind which Vaegirs can live without fear of attack. It is the capitol and largest city of the Vaegirs, owned directly by Tsar Halfdan Karloving  Balgard is the greatest forge-city in the Vaegir lands, producing arms and armour for any citizen who wishes to take up raiding. There is sufficient stockpiles of wood and iron to keep their smithies working for another century. It is this imposing position and massive stockpile that helps the Tsar maintain control over the Boyars. Any who would wish to usurp him would have to take Balgard, and this is a daunting prospect indeed.
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