Surya Species in Calmóran | World Anvil

Surya (soor-ya)

Surya or "firebirds" were a species of bird-like celestials created when the Phoenix shed her feathers consciously. They were few in number but often traveled to the Mortal Plane to live among the mortal creatures there and imprinted upon them the idea of the phoenix in several cultures.
The Surya were hunted to extinction by the Eld'ri, a crossbreed between dawn elves and demons, in their pursuit of greater power.
The Phoenix refused to create another of her children since their deaths.

Basic Information


The surya had similar features to their mother, the phoenix. They were brightly colored (often multicolored) birds that shone with warm light of fire or the sun. Though they were all bird-like, the forms they are depicted as taking are varried dependant on the culture. The ancient drawings and etchings of the pre-Khalimaran civilizations of Lithria viewed them as cranes or herons, the dawn elves often show them as birds with a wolf's head, and more depicted them as peacock, rooster, or tropical birds. They also varried in size from large to as small as a songbird.

Growth Rate & Stages

The surya produced no children, but they were - to a limited degree - capable of forstalling their death via rebirth similar to their mother, though this is believed to have only been possible a few times for the long-lived celestials.

Ecology and Habitats

The surya had no true preference in habitat, though they preferred places with high trees or mountains. Often, when one journied to the mortal plane, they would choose a roost and for the limited times they were capable of rebirth, or for their final death, they would return to that place.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

During the Age of Magic, the Eld'ri hunted and attempted to assimilate the Surya into their fiendish bloodline. It is unknown whether they were successful before the destruction of the Eldar kingdom from which the Eld'ri ruled, and the judgement of the Eld'ri, only that no living Surya was found following their fall.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

It is believed that the surya retained the visual perception of their mother to an extent, being able to see into the Veil and in pitch dark without issue. They did lack any natural ability to peer into the intent of a creature like their mother is believed to be able to do.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
500-1500 years
Conservation Status
Extinct. No known Surya exist within the world of Glan'Amar.


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