Mana Physical / Metaphysical Law in Calidan | World Anvil
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It is all, all is with it.

Powered armor, horseless carriages, stringless bows, automated cleaning. An ever replenishing resource, as natural to your body as breathing and as part of you like your bone and muscles.   Mana is the raw potential to change that is present in all things. Some living creatures, such as magic beasts and certain humanoid races like elves, are born with an innate understanding of how to use their own mana to incite change in the world, while most living creatures have to forge that understanding through study or other means to use their mana. Additionally, with a better understanding of mana, those looking to use more than their own can learn to draw mana from other sources. Since mana is the raw manifestation of change, mana is most present during changes in the world, such as tectonic shifts, the shifting of tides, and catastrophic events.   Using your own mana is like using your ability to act on the world, so when somebody uses a lot of their own mana they're often left lethargic or ravenously hungry. Mana replenishes in a creature with the regular recovery of energy in a creature, with food and rest.


Mana manifests itself in all beings, much like a personal regenerating aura. However, few people are born with the innate understanding of how to manifest it. Those who aren't born with such an understanding are able to learn to manifest it through long study and awakening. However, ones who are born with an understanding are able to reach a higher ability through practice and study than ones born without. This ability is more common in certain races than in others. For instance, many noble houses the elvish Yahlian Empire rose to power due to a hereditary understanding, while it is nearly impossible for a modern day dwarf to be born with an understanding.   There has, however, been a discovery that allows anyone to utilize magic. An object called a Convergence Core  can be forged using Deralite ore, which gains the ability to store large quantities of mana in them. This mana can be released through various written or vocalized incantations, called spells, which can be written by spellcasters (taught mana users) or Arch mages and used by anyone with enough stored mana, as the only time knowledge of a given spell is needed is during activation, and the spell can remain active until all mana is lost. The output of the spells depend on what was written. Spells can be written in any language, but the syntax of spellcraft (spellwriting) is very practical and confusing to untaught readers. Spell syntax is similar to that of modern programming languages. Proper spellcraft and properly made Convergence Cores can be used for practically any application, from powered vehicles to lightning guns.
Metaphysical, Arcane


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