Convergence Core Item in Calidan | World Anvil
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Convergence Core

A battery for magic devices, ammunition for magic weapons, and engine for magical vehicles, the convergence core has been instrumental in bringing magic to the uninitiated.

Manufacturing process

The metal bands are outfitted with spellwriting on the inside of the bands (the side facing the deralite), which are then fitted onto the deralite chunk.


Convergence cores can hold large quantities on mana, can extract it from anything that contains and creates mana (which is every known living being), and can expend that mana through magical items it's socketed into. This means that it can keep activated spells running, which allows anyone to use the spells, as the only prerequisite to use spells is to be able to activate them, which can only be done by people who understand the spell. This has made common household and personal magic items for the public a reality.
Item type
Power Storage / Generator
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
one spherical deralite chunk of varying size, and metal banding to fit the chunk (metals vary)
Some form of writing utensil able to scratch wording onto metal.


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