Sazir Character in Calanthia | World Anvil
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    During his time as a noble, the Great War of Valanor severely irritated him, thinking it a huge waste of time, and a tragedy in terms of loss of lives.   Convincing a good number of his fellow nobles, and flat-out ignoring the ones that disagreed, he staged the rebellion that led to the founding of The Lords' Alliance.   Ever since, he's held a place of honor in the council, acting as the mediator and the "face", dealing with ambassadors and dignitaries, and ensuring the human population is protected and taken care of.  

Relationship with the council

Sazir gets along well with all the members of the council, but Varys has been his right hand man for a long time now. Even knowing he was once a spy, he trusts him implicitly, and the two share a common disdain for the barbaric actions of the elves during the war.   Sazir also finds Alston Garrick especially interesting, making a point to support his eccentric ideas to the rest of the council, which has resulted in Craigavon being at the forefront of technological development in Valanor, competing on the same level as Bluind.    


Incredibly friendly with everyone, always in a good mood, generally just happy to be around. He also acts as the unofficial historian, conducting large amounts of research on the ancient history of the world and civilization.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Doesn't look a day older than 20 years old. Always walks around wearing extremely well made long robes, usually with a greyish blue tone and silver trim.  

Special abilities

Sazir is a talented spellcaster by blood, complementing his natural powers with rigorous study under Archmage Varys.
Chaotic Good
Current Location
Over 2400 years old
Shiny silver hair, Matt Mercer style
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair skinned
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Elven, Dwarven, Gnomish, Halfling, Infernal, Celestial, Thieves' cant

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