The Free City of Bluind Settlement in Calanthia | World Anvil
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The Free City of Bluind

One of if not the largest metropolis in the known worls, the Free City of Bluind is a truly cosmopolitan settlement, where people from all over the world come to try to make their living, and, maybe, find their fortune.  


One of the oldest city in the continent, it grew naturally thanks to its prime location, being well connected thanks to the Glistening Stream river, the Road of Glory, and also the very favorable ocean currents on the southwestern side of Valanor.   It is protected by an incredibly tall, 5 meters thick wall that encompasses most of the city, leaving only the docks exposed.   The city is commonly divided by its inhabitants into certain areas, as follows:  

The Promenade

The main trading and mercantile area of Bluind, where most merchants set up shops, warehouses and offices. Welcomes every traveler with open arms, with plenty taverns, shops, and even the infamous Scarlet Quarter.  

The Lower North

A mostly residential area, usually taken up by the lower middle class families. Other than the odd tavern, it's a pretty quiet part of town.  

Golden Walks

The richer counterpart to the Lower North, this is where the upper middle class of Bluind make their homes. It is well connected and near the important academic and central areas of the city, as well as near the river mouth, providing a pleasant view to the homesteads built here.  

Featherfall Suburbs

Considered to be the academic district, it's full of various academies and schools, teaching everything from leatherworking to necromancy. Bluind University is located here, near the Golden Walks, and its students are often seen traveling to and from their campus.  

The Tri-Spire

A small area of Bluind that is dominated by three tall towers. The more magically inclined citizens choose to make their homes here, and although the area is officially part of the city, the mysterious owners of the three towers seem to have a powerful say in the government.  

The Lanterns

The few religious temples that exist in Bluind concentrate themselves in the Lanterns, where, every night, the patrons of the various churches come out and light a multitude of lanterns scattered across the area.  

The Bellows

The industrial heart of the city, this area is littered with workshops, where one can see all kinds of artisans at work, from blacksmiths and leatherworkers, to artificers and the more adventurous of alchemists. A thin layer of smoke spreads throughout the streets, due to the large amount of forges in active use.  

The Citadel

Also known as "Old Bluind", it once encompassed the entire city, which later expanded exponentially to the new walls we see today. Protected by its own older walls, nowadays the most influential merchant guilds and traders make their offices and homes here, as well as some official government buildings.  

Upper Docks

A veritable whirlwind of movement, the docks are the busiest area of Bluind, with intra and intercontinental trade passing by on a daily basis. Storage houses abound, as well as cheap inns and taverns for sailors passing by.  

Lower Docks

Formerly the main docks of Bluind, now they've been overshadowed by the Upper Docks, and are mostly used by river-based trade and smugglers.  


Due to the sheer amount of people that travel to Bluind to try their luck, the city's slums are, on their own, a small town, with its own parallel economy. Cutthroats and thieves abound, and the Requisitioners make this area their prime recruiting ground.  


The Free City is completely independent from the Lords' Alliance, being instead ruled by a gathering of the richest and most influential traders, artisans, and businessmen. This leads to a large council, or senate, numbering in the 50s of people. New members have to be recommended by and voted in by the rest of the senate, leading to a very oligarchical government.  


Bluind possesses a very bureaucratic legal system, with rules and regulations for everything. Few businesses operate unnoticed by the senate, and even the less legal ones have their own code that they must abide to, or face the wrath of the law.  

Regulated Necromancy

A few necromancers are sanctioned by the senate, and are free to practice their trade as long as they only use corpses that they have been explicitly allowed to raise. Although slavery is illegal, undead servants are not, and these necromancers make a very good living, often paying the poorer citizens for the righ to raise their corpse upon their death.  

Capital punishment

For the more heinous crimes, like mass murder (or the murder of someone very important), rape, unregulated necromancy, and high treason, a special kind of punishment is applied. The perpetrator is executed, and then their corpse is raised, bound into servitude to the city for as long as the bones hold.  


Bluind's population is extremely diverse, especially taking into account the other cities of Valanor. Tieflings walk around without a second look, as do goblins, kobolds, orcs, and even the occasional mind flayer.   The outskirts of the city are littered with farms surrounding the fertile lands near the river, but even so food has to be imported from neighboring villages and towns due to the sheer size of the population.  


While Bluind doesn't have an army per se, their city guard is known across the continent to be an elite group of well-trained individuals, some of them former mercenaries or captains in actual armies.   The guards are extremely well paid, and an anti-bribery policy is extended to all members: should they ever be offered money to betray the city, they will be paid double the promised amount, provided they assist in catching the attempted briber.  

Places of interest



Twice the size of Craigavon's skyport, this huge, over 150 meters tall tower has two levels to dock airships. The first lower level can hold up to four small airships, while the second level is the only place in Valanor capable of harboring the largest, inter-continental airships.  

The Grand Colosseum

An enormous building that can act as an arena, banquet hall, amphitheater, or market square. Regularly used by the Bluind government to host events and receive ambassadors and dignitaries from abroad.  

House of the Lawbearer

The Bluind courthouse, a large building with an enormous statue of Erathis in the front garden. Contains an entrance to an underground prison complex, where the less dangerous prisoners are kept.      

Guilds and Organizations

Due to the size of the city and the amount of commerce that passes through it, several organizations have sprung up to take advantage of it.  

The Lodge

A guild of specialized hunters and trackers, who are mostly hired by alchemists and enchanters around the world to fetch exotic creature parts to be used as potion ingredients or spell components.  

The Requisitioners

Effectively Bluind's thieves guild, it's a very closely knit organization which deals with international smuggling of prohibited goods, procuring items and wealth inside and outside the city, and the occasional assassination.  

The Maggia Syndicate

Operating mostly in a legal grey area, the Syndicate is a loose organization that deals in extortion, blackmail, protection, and racketeering schemes. Control is very spread out, with "bosses" overseeing their own teams, while loosely following a common code of conduct.  



Taverns and inns

Name Quality Details Prices
The Dull Falchion Modest Usually frequented by the workers of the Bellows, offers cheap food and ale. 3sp per meal
Good For What Ales Ye Modest Single story building constructed under the bow of a ship, includes a fighting pit. 3sp per meal
The Gilded Lotus Comfortable A four-story tall building filled with all kinds of rooms for rent. Doesn't serve meals. 1gp per day
The Come and Go Comfortable Medium size tavern, which mostly serves meals. Has a couple of decent rooms upstairs. Rooms: 8sp per day Meals: 5sp
The Last Supper Aristocratic High end inn, with luxurious rooms and specialty meals. Rooms: 5gp Meals: 2gp (10gp per gourmet meal)
The Drowning Cat Squalid A really dodgy tavern, mostly deserted. Only really used for shady deals. 3cp per meal
Aether Refuge Modest A tall, four-story tall inn with good rooms, some of them dormitories with bunk beds. 2-5sp per day
The Clam Hammer Wealthy High end tavern, that specializes in shellfish dishes. 1gp per meal
The Tipsy Tiefling Poor A tavern that's always crowded with students. Provides cheap food and cheaper ale. 8cp per meal 2cp per mug
Mother's Teat Modest Family-style tavern that usually fills up pretty quickly at the end of the workday, frequented mostly by regulars that live in the area 2sp per meal
The Golden Flagon Wealthy High end alehouse, whose specialty is an imported highly alcoholic beverage distilled from ankheg bile. 5sp per ale 25gp per bottle
Prismatic Lantern Comfortable A small three-story inn, with comfortable rooms, and complimentary breakfast. Entertainment and performances are common every Folsen night. 8sp per day 4sp per meal (6sp in performance days)
The Lucky Die Modest A small tavern that focuses on cheap but healthy meals. 1sp per meal
The Blind Beholder Modest Located in a large single story building that spans almost an entire block, this tavern is often crowded by visitors and passer-bys. 4sp per meal

The Scarlet Quarter

Located in the southern side of the Promenade and taking up several blocks, the area known as the Scarlet Quarter is full of many competing brothels and pleasure houses.      

Stores and Workshops

Being the trade center of the world, Bluind has stores to sell and buy nearly everything. And what the stores don't sell, The Requisitioners can surely procure, for a price.

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