Craigavon Settlement in Calanthia | World Anvil
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Capital of the The Lords' Alliance, located in a central position in the continent. One of the oldest cities in Valanor, it boasts an impressive castle built upon a large hill, as well as a decently sized river docks.  


The entire city has been built at the foot of a large cliff side that faces the river, with the castle constructed at the top of the hill, overlooking the city and surrounding territories.   Craigavon is organized in several "districts", as follows:  

Old Town

The oldest part of the city, constructed before the rapid expansion of the population, and therefore is protected by an inner, smaller wall. Is filled with both incredible noble mansions, as well as small rundown buildings where the poorer inhabitants live.   At the center, a large plaza serves as a gathering spot, and as the central location for festivals and celebrations.  

Trade District

Easily the most densely populated area, home to many merchants, craftsment, and their stores, as well as most of city's upper middle class families. It is effectively Craigavon's "downtown".  

Temple District

The quiet part of town, most deities have some kind of shrine, church, or temple here, and worship services are conducted regularly. Craigavon's interior cemetery is located here, near the wall, as well as the hospital.  

Mage's Quarter

Getting its name from the affluence of arcane-minded individuals, this part of the city houses both the wizard academy as well as the bardic college. Most mages that live in Craigavon choose to settle in this area, as access to components and materials is easier, and the academy's library provides good study material.    

Notable Places


Castle of the Lords' Alliance

Originally built by king Walgnar I, the castle remains the seat of the government. The council has regular meetings within, with each member having a personal office in the castle, and some even choosing to reside there. Diplomatic parties and negotiations are also held in the castle's common chamber, where the council hosts ambassadors and dignitaries.   Beneath the castle there is a vault, dug into the hill itself. This is where Craigavon's gold reserve is kept, as well as other precious or important items.    

Craigavon Wizard Academy

Almost as old as the city itself, the Academy boasts an impressive number of students talented in the arcane arts. An enormous campus surrounded by tall stone walls, with three buildings:
  • The Library - a tall, four-story building that holds the academy's collection of arcane tomes and spell scrolls. Lower level magics are relatively common and, therefore, easy to access by most of the populace. However, higher level scrolls are closely guarded and protected.
  • The Amphitheater - a wide, single-story building with several auditoriums, where classes are given by the academy instructors. Only building in the academy that is completely off-limits to commoners. 
  • The Laboratories - A wide, three-story building where the senior members of the academy have their offices and laboratories. The first floor has a common laboratory that is accessible to all students.
Being the only place in Craigavon that officially sells magical items and enchantments, entry into the academy is usually allowed to the general populace, but only while being escorted by a guard or a senior member. The enchanters only work on a commission basis, where the interested clients put in a request and pay a percentage upfront.   All kinds of mages train here, including battlemages, who split their time between the academy and the military training grounds.    

Military Training Grounds

A large complex that contains several training areas, an armory full of basic equipment, and barracks, with enough space to house the entirety of the standing army.   New recruits go through a somewhat demanding training process, with the best staying as specialists in the army, and the not-so-good being given guard posts across the Lords' Alliance territories.    

Bardic College of Sgargiante

Founded by celebrity bard Emilyo Sgargiante over 60 years ago, it's a somewhat small building, especially when compared to the wizard academy, but every year dozens of talented bards graduate from the college. Admission is only done on a recommendation basis, with those interested often harassing instructors at the gates.    


An incredibly tall building located near the docks, the skyport provides a place for visiting airships to dock while their cargo is taken care of. At any given time, up to 3 small airships can be docked simultaneously, or one large one. Therefore, arrivals and departures schedules are meticulously kept in check.    


A small two-story building, that serves both as a medical school as well as providing healthcare to the general populace. A small part of the resident medics are trained clerics that serve as battle medics, in times of conflict.    



Inns and Taverns

Name Quality Services provided Price range
The Grinning Elf Mid-High Tavern, restaurant, musical soirees 5-8sp per meal, higher on music nights
The Bald Paladin Top Ale house, specializes in imported dwarven and elven mead Around 10gp per bottle, 2gp per meal
The Lusty Dragon Mid-High Pleasure house Anywhere between 2gp and 500gp, depending on services requested
Stickett Inn Mid Inn, with modest but serviceable rooms 5sp per day, 3sp per meal
The Land Stern Low Basically a hostel, often used by sailors passing by 7cp per day, 4cp per meal
Mourning Wood Low Rundown tavern, with a few rooms in the first floor, rented by the hour 2cp per hour
Grub's Tavern Mid Tavern/inn with a quiet clientele. Focuses on meals, but does have a small common room in the first floor 2sp per day, 2sp per meal
The Slaughtered Lamb Mid-High Tavern often frequented by the students of the academy. Has an extensive basement. Normal entry: 1gp VIP entry: 15gp
Bargewright Inn Mid A two-story inn, often crowded, frequented mostly by travelling merchants 5sp per day, 3sp per meal

Stores and workshops


Crooked Wand

A small shop that, officially, is just a museum owned by an eccentric collector of arcane items. Will buy and sell magical items, and may be the place to look for less legal items.  

Mortal & Pestle

A large store located near the academy, that specializes in all kinds of spell/enchanting components and alchemical compounds. Owned by William Pestle and his wife, Miriam, two middle aged humans who dabble in basic alchemy.  

Smoking Bottle

Small, specialized alchemy shop run by a halfling couple, Veth and Yeza. They have a commercial relationship with the Lords' Alliance, and are almost always incredibly busy with orders for the military.  

Sword and Chalice

A blacksmith run by Blorg, a burly half-orc. He's a talented blacksmith capable of making above average armor and weapons, but is not magically gifted.  

Rusty's Blades

A small blacksmith owned by Rusty, a young human in his 20s. Not very capable, he mainly works on farming and cooking implements, as well as simple tools.  

Duck and Cover

A fletcher and bowyer shop, run by Yarrzig, a middle aged goblin with an eyepatch. He's talented and capable of making exceptional weapons and ammunition, but is not magically gifted.  

Gnome Depot

An artificer workshop run by the Garrick brothers. Mainly does custom work on a commission basis.
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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