Lilian Voss Character in Calanthia | World Anvil
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Lilian Voss

Captain of the Battlemages


Originally trained in Craigavon's academy, Lilian started her studies in the school of abjuration. Her ambition was greater however, and she kept pushing the limits of protective magic, focusing on redirecting hostile energies into further directed destruction. Her teachers took note, transferring her to the War Magic specialization.   She kept training and studying, but still found something missing. Mages like her were still best deployed in he back line, not equipped at all to survive in one-to-one combat against a trained opponent.  

Revamping the Battlemages

Lilian eventually came to Bor Kulenov with an idea, to train mages in martial combat alongside their usual arcane study. Together, they devised an excruciating training regimen for hand-picked apprentices, that would train them in the use of bladed weapons alongside destructive and protective magics, with the express purpose of deploying them like normal soldiers.   This new class of soldier was dubbed the Bladesingers, and were officially included in the ranks of the Battlemages very recently, with the first graduates finishing their basic training 4 years ago.   With the success of her initiative, Lilian was promoted to Captain of the Battlemages, and now oversees both the War Mage and Bladesinger training process.  


Honestly a very nice person, soft spoken, and an excellent, although demanding teacher. Is incredibly ambitious, and wants to see her Battlemages become a force to be reckoned with. When in combat, she is easy to anger, and will make the extra effort to destroy her enemies with extreme prejudice.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Well built, she works out regularly to keep in a good physical condition. Is decent with a blade, but did not start her martial training at a young enough age to be competitive, but still enjoys sparring, often taking a personal hand in the training of new apprentices.   When on assignment, usually wears an armored version of the typical blue/silver Craigavon mage robes, with mithral plates protecting the shoulders, upper arms, and chest area, as well as metal studs spread throughout the lower part of the robes.
Chaotic/True Neutral
Current Location
Dark brown
Long black hair, usually worn in a tight bun
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair skinned
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Celestial, Elven, Dwarven (rudimentary)

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