The Vigil's Tenets Document in Calagon | World Anvil
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The Vigil's Tenets

Deep inside Fort Vigilance in the sacred altar of the Pacthold, written upon a tablet of marble that stands alone in the center of the room, and protected by sentinels of The Vigil are the tenets passed down through generations of vigilants - Engraved in stone for any and all who wish to see their lineage.  

The Pact of Brotherhood

In the days of yore, when shadows danced long upon the land and the Vigilants stood united, we swore an oath, bound in solemnity, that our own blades would never be raised against our brethren, lest we invoke the sacred Pact of Sacrifice.  

The Pact of Duty

Where the steps we take may lead us to embrace deeds that others would deem dark. It is within the folds of these somber duties that we find our purpose, for the safeguarding of our cherished reality demands sacrifices, even those steeped in shadows  

The Pact of Sacrifice

When the clarion call resounds, we shall not waver. Even as the light dwindles, we shall stand resolute, prepared to lay down our lives, from the first light of dawn till the final embers of twilight.  

Pact of Wisdom

With the wisdom bequeathed unto us by our forebears, we guard closely the circle of trust, for in the pursuit of knowledge, there lies a perilous edge. Only those who heed the sacred Pacts shall be privy to this trove, for the path of forbidden knowledge is perilous and may lead the uninitiated to the brink of madness.  

The Pact of Truth

Truths we bear, hidden in the shroud of cosmic mysteries. In the vast expanse, terrors yet lurk, but let these truths be held close, revealed not to the public eye. We, the keepers of truth, stand as a bulwark, shielding the realm from the harrowing revelations that lie beyond.  

The Pact of Vigilance

Under the vigilant gaze of the Watchful God, we find our strength and guidance. In moments of doubt and need, we turn our eyes skyward, seeking solace and assurance in the deity that oversees our solemn charge.
Manuscript, Historical
Signatories (Organizations)


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