High Elf Species in Calagon | World Anvil
The Continent

High Elf

The Divine Masquerade


The proud high elves hailing from the continent of Empyria are a theocratic society with strict rules regarding their pantheon of deities, A number of which ascended into Godhood with the power of their God Trees. Known in other realms as missionaries and violent zealots, Their reputation only seeming to decline with those that don't share their beliefs.



Everyday life is intertwined with devotion to their theocratic beliefs shaping their culture into a reflection of their divine mission; Beginning each day with with prayers and rituals dedicated to their pantheon of deities, Seeking guidance and blessings for the day ahead. Every aspect of life is infused with a snse of divine purpose and duty, From the noble lords to the common labourers - All high elves are called to serve their faith in whatever capacity they can offer, Wether it be through military service, scholarly pursuits, or charitable acts, Every action is seen as a contribution to a greater cause.  


Throughout the year the High Elves observe a myriad number of religious festivals and holy days, celebrating the deeds of their gods and commemorating key events in their faith's history. These festivities are marked by feasting, mass prayer, and elaborate ceremonies such as "The Seeding" bringing the community together in a shared devotion.  

Law and Justice

Administired in accordance with the divine decree with clerics and religious authoritites serving as judges and arbiters of disputes - Though the outcome of common rulebreaking may coincide with that of other realms, Punishments for heresy and blasphemy are much more severe, reflecting the society's uncompromising stance against those that would defy it's traditions.  


Within Empyria in the realms of the High Elves, The wearing of masks is more than just a tradition; A deeply ingrained aspect of their culture that serves as a symbol of identity, status and order. The High Elves particularly those of noble birth conceal their faces behind intricately crafted masks adorned with engraved visages of their own unique faces obscuring their true identities and adding a sense of unity within their society. Masks are not only symbols of nobility and status among the high elves, prized traditions that were passed down through generations of High Elves but also a homage to Empyria the faceless mother of the gods and their homeland's namesake.  

Royal Guard

Clad in resplendent marble white armour and bearing gleaming weapons, The Royal Guards of Empyria stand as silent sentinels at the gates of the palace, their marble masks betraying no emotion or expression - epitomising their discipline and commitment to duty.  


Legends within the elven socity speak of an ancient civilisation that once ruled the land whose members wore masks to commune with the spirits of the forests and stars, although their true purpose and significance remain shrouded in mystery, Scriptures of their making lost to the ravages of history. Despite all this it remains a sacred legacy passed down from their ancestors.  


There are however a few exceptions to the rule that come with such tradition; The High elve's ruler the Grandmaster would be exempt from the rule of anonymity being allowed to show their face to their lessers symbolising the recognition they deserve as they strive to ascend into godhood.  

The God Trees

At the apex of the high elven society sits The Grandmaster who serves as both a political and religious leader whose ascension is tied to the growth of the sacred God Trees. A revered figure chosed to lead the nation in both matters of both faith and governance - Their actions seen as a divinely ordained decision guided by the will of the Gods. Central to the Grandmaster's role is the sacred Ritual of Ascension otherwise known as "The Seeding" wherein they seek to transcend their mortal limitations and become one with the divine by fostering the growth of a God Tree. These colossal trees revered as conduits of divine energy and wisdom serve as both homes for the High Elves and symbols of their connection to the heavens.   Only three so far have ascended to Godhood within this society that of which are thus named: Turin The First, Sanna The Divine, Rennin The True - The three that are now worshipped as Gods in the very homeland that they were born.  

God Seeds

The origin of the God Seeds is shrouded in tales of divine intervention, According to ancient legends these sacred seeds are believed to have been gifts bestowed by the faceless Godess Empyria herself, reserved to sprout only for those born under the direct lineage of the first High Elf Grandmaster Turin of Empyria - Believed to carry the divine bloodline of their ancestors, These seeds are kept secure within a mighty fortress only laid eyes upon by the current Grandmaster himself.
An Empyrian Royal Guard kneeling down in reverence.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Genus Semper
700-800 Years
Average Height
5'8" - 6'5"
Geographic Distribution
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