Cairne The Stygian Eclipse of Voltaire

The Stygian Eclipse of Voltaire


13/4 13:00

An unexpected celestial event darkens the skies of Cairne and blots out the sun for a time, leading to mass panic and speculation of terrible portents and the possible end of the world. Within this turbulent occasion, far off in the God's Teeth Mountains, a new life coalesces into being, a dragon made of darkness and shadow. This creature, manifested through powers outside of the existing divinity spawns a great deal of speculative concern among the gods, but as is the way of things since the great Covenant Of Nithralyx, the children of Vrokhana held to their trust in the purpose granted to the dragons, and the dragon, dubbed Voltaiare by his kin, came into being and gained dominion over the balance of darkness to light.

As the celestial bodies danced their timeless waltz across the heavens, the skies above Cairne were suddenly engulfed in an ominous shadow, a shroud of darkness that blotted out the sun's warm embrace. Panic rippled through the land like wildfire, whispers of impending doom echoing through the hearts of mortals as they gazed upward with dread-filled eyes, yet, amidst the chaos and fear, nestled deep within the jagged peaks of the God's Teeth Mountains, a phenomenon beyond mortal comprehension unfurled, a convergence of cosmic energies birthing a being of unprecedented power and enigma. From the nebulous depths of that untimely gloaming, emerged Voltaiare, a dragon woven from the very fabric of darkness and shadow, a creature both magnificent and terrifying in its ethereal form.   The birth of Voltaiare sent shockwaves through the celestial realms, stirring whispers among the gods themselves. Some murmured of chaotic remnants of Vrokhana's power manifesting, while others pondered the implications of such a creature on the delicate balance of their divine designs, yet, bound by the ancient Covenant of Nithralyx, the children of Vrokhana remained steadfast in their faith, trusting in the purpose bestowed upon these majestic beings.   As Voltaiare spread his ebony wings and soared across the starlit firmament, his presence cast a pall of uncertainty upon the world below. Some hailed him as a harbinger of darkness, a sign of impending catastrophe, while others saw in him a guardian of balance, a force to preserve the delicate equilibrium between light and shadow.

Related Location
The God's Teeth Mountains
Related Species
Related timelines & articles
The History of Cairne (article)