The Silver Eye

Nestled amidst a landscape of contrasts lies the enigmatic Silver Eye, a massive stagnant lake with an aura of mystery and danger. Situated north of the Barren Ridge mountains, south of Dun Dierdiere Bog, and just outside the Ongommu Tae lands, this peculiar body of water embodies a convergence of diverse ecosystems, creating a hauntingly beautiful yet treacherous environment. The Silver Eye finds itself in a perplexing juxtaposition, surrounded by the chill of the mountains, the humidity of the bog, and the fertility of the Greenlands Commonage. It stands as a silent witness to the aftermath of the Blight, one of the last vestiges of nature's resilience in a world ravaged by decay. Here, large patches of vibrant green algae thrive upon the still waters, forming an eerie carpet that floats upon the surface, lending the lake its distinctive name, taken from the way the algae's natural bioluminesence seems to give the lake a soft silver glow at night, however, the allure of its verdant appearance belies the sinister truth that lurks beneath. The waters of the Silver Eye are black and toxic, a lethal concoction that renders them deadly to both touch and drink. The very air surrounding the lake hangs heavy with a clinging ground fog, its touch a stinging reminder of the peril that awaits the unwary.   Despite its forbidding nature, the Silver Eye remains an unavoidable waypoint for trade caravans traversing the Verdant Pass into the Greenlands Commonage. Countless tales have emerged over time, woven from whispers and fear, painting the lake as a realm inhabited by malevolent entities. Stories abound of strange creatures that dwell beneath the murky surface, their forms shifting and deceptive, luring unsuspecting travelers to a watery demise. Legends speak of spectral apparitions, taking on the guise of lost souls or alluring beauties, beckoning the foolish to their doom with promises of refuge or companionship. Those who venture too close to the waters of the Silver Eye risk becoming ensnared in its grasp, their fate sealed as they vanish without a trace, swallowed by the darkness below.


The lake itself stretches across a considerable expanse, its surface appearing deceptively calm and still, reminiscent of a polished mirror reflecting the world around it. Despite its seemingly placid exterior, the waters of the Silver Eye conceal a dark secret beneath their glassy surface. The liquid is thick and viscous, its color a deep, inky black that seems to absorb all light that dares to penetrate its depths. This eerie hue hints at the toxic nature of the water, a potent brew that renders it deadly to any who dare to come into contact with it. Surrounding the lake, the terrain takes on an otherworldly quality, with the land immediately adjacent to its shores remaining barren and desolate. The ground is hard and cracked, devoid of any signs of life save for the occasional twisted, gnarled tree that stubbornly clings to existence. A thick, clinging ground fog blankets the area, its tendrils reaching out to shroud the landscape in a veil of mystery and unease. The fog carries with it a faint, acrid scent, its touch leaving a tingling sensation upon the skin and a bitter taste upon the tongue.   To the south, the imposing silhouette of the Barren Ridge mountains looms large against the horizon, their jagged peaks a testament to the unforgiving nature of the surrounding terrain. The cold winds that sweep down from their snow-capped summits carry with them a biting chill that serves as a constant reminder of the harsh realities of life in this desolate land. To the north, the Dun Dierdiere Bog stretches out like a vast, sodden expanse of mire and marshland. Here, the air hangs heavy with the cloying scent of decay, the ground beneath one's feet soft and yielding as it threatens to swallow up all who dare to venture too close, and just beyond the borders of the Silver Eye lie the fertile lands of the Greenlands Commonage, a stark contrast to the desolation that surrounds the lake. Here, the Ongommu Tae cultivate the last remaining pockets of arable land left in the wake of the Blight, their fields a patchwork of vibrant greens and earthy browns that stand in stark contrast to the barren wasteland that lies just beyond.


At the heart of this ecosystem lies the stagnant waters of the Silver Eye itself, a vast expanse of blackened liquid that serves as both a focal point and a source of sustenance for the creatures that inhabit its depths. Despite its toxic nature, the lake teems with life, albeit of a most peculiar and otherworldly variety. Beneath the surface, strange and enigmatic creatures lurk in the shadows, their forms twisted and distorted by the dark energies that permeate the waters. These denizens of the deep are adapted to the harsh conditions of their environment.   Surrounding the lake, the barren landscape is punctuated by pockets of twisted vegetation that cling tenaciously to life amidst the desolation. These hardy plants have adapted to thrive in the harsh conditions of their surroundings, their gnarled roots delving deep into the infertile soil in search of sustenance. Among them, the spectral forms of willow trees stand sentinel, their twisted branches reaching out like gnarled fingers to ensnare the unwary.   The dynamics of the ecosystem are governed by a delicate interplay of forces, where life and death exist in a perpetual dance of balance and harmony. The creatures that inhabit this realm are finely attuned to the rhythms of their environment, their existence intricately intertwined with the cycles of decay and regeneration that define the Silver Eye.

Localized Phenomena

  • Toxic Fog: A thick, clinging fog blankets the land surrounding the Silver Eye, its tendrils reaching out like ghostly fingers to shroud the landscape in a veil of mist. This toxic fog is imbued with the noxious fumes that rise from the lake's blackened waters, causing it to sting the skin and eyes of those who dare to brave its touch.
  • Phosphorescent Algae: The stagnant waters of the Silver Eye are home to strange and mutated forms of algae that emit a faint phosphorescent glow. This eerie luminescence casts an ethereal light upon the surface of the lake, illuminating the surrounding landscape with an otherworldly radiance that adds to the surreal and unsettling atmosphere of the region.


Temperatures in the area are consistently cold, with little variation between the seasons. Even in the summer months, when the rest of the world might experience some semblance of warmth, the chill of winter lingers in the air, exacerbated by the perpetual cloud cover that traps heat and prevents it from reaching the surface of the earth. Precipitation is infrequent but can be intense when it occurs. Storms brew on the horizon, their dark clouds roiling ominously as they unleash torrents of rain and hail upon the barren landscape below. Thunder rumbles in the distance, echoing through the hills and valleys surrounding the Silver Eye, adding to the sense of foreboding that pervades the region.   Despite the scarcity of sunlight, the air is thick with moisture, laden with the scent of decay and the tang of toxicity that hangs like a pall over the landscape. A thick fog often blankets the land, its tendrils reaching out to shroud the terrain in a veil of mist, obscuring visibility and adding to the sense of isolation and unease that permeates the area.

Fauna & Flora

  • Cyanophytes: These complex mutations of blue-green algae have evolved into a sinister and deadly form, capable of luring unsuspecting prey into the depths of the Silver Eye. The cyanophytes form an entire community of tiny algal blooms that can unify and shape themselves into distinctly detailed humanoid forms. Using these deceptive shapes, they function as a singular cognitive unit, luring other creatures into the water with promises of safety or companionship. Once their victim is within reach, the cyanophytes trap them beneath the surface, secreting powerful cyanotoxins to poison and suffocate their prey before slowly digesting their body with enzymes secreted around them.
  • Veden Vaki: Once benevolent fey spirits known as protectors of their domains, the Veden Vaki have been twisted and corrupted by the taint of the Blight and the influence of the Void. These once noble entities have become horrifying mockeries of their former selves, their once peaceful existence now consumed by a malevolent hunger for destruction. They haunt the twisted landscape surrounding the Silver Eye, preying upon any who dare to venture too close, their presence a constant reminder of the dark forces that lurk within the shadows.
  • Red Veined Touch-Me-Not: Nicknamed the "Plant of Death," this mutated plant is a formidable predator in its own right. When disturbed, its outer coating bursts open, releasing razor-sharp seeds coated with a potent neurotoxin. In small doses, this toxin causes paralysis, while in larger doses it can induce heart failure. The plant uses this deadly defense mechanism to deter herbivores and other creatures from feeding upon it, ensuring its survival in the harsh and unforgiving landscape surrounding the Silver Eye.

Natural Resources

  • Mutated Flora and Fauna: Some of the mutated plants and creatures that inhabit the region possess unique properties that serve various purposes. While many of these organisms are dangerous or toxic, there are valuable compounds or substances within their biology that can be harnessed for medicinal, scientific, or even industrial purposes.
  • Rare Minerals and Ores: The twisted landscape surrounding the Silver Eye conceals deposits of rare minerals and ores that have been altered and enriched by the cataclysmic events of the apocalypse. While extracting these resources is a dangerous endeavor, they are valuable commodities for those brave or desperate enough to attempt it often risk their lives for.


Before the cataclysm that ravaged the world and gave birth to the desolate landscape surrounding the Silver Eye, the region was once a vibrant and flourishing land teeming with life and natural beauty. Known as the Verdant Valley, the area was renowned for its lush forests, fertile plains, and abundant water sources. The Silver Eye itself was once a sparkling lake of crystal-clear water, its shores dotted with thriving communities and bustling trade routes that connected distant settlements.   The Barren Ridge mountains to the south were not always so desolate, once serving as a majestic backdrop to the fertile valley below. The Dun Dierdiere Bog to the north was a thriving ecosystem of diverse flora and fauna, its marshy expanses home to countless species of birds and amphibians. In this idyllic paradise, fey spirits known as the Veden Vaki were said to roam freely, acting as protectors of the land and guardians of its natural balance. They were revered by the inhabitants of the valley, who lived in harmony with these mystical beings, respecting their domains and seeking their guidance in times of need, but all of this changed with the cataclysm, a devastating event that unleashed untold destruction upon the world and forever altered the landscape of the Verdant Valley. The waters of the Silver Eye turned black and toxic, poisoning the land and driving its inhabitants to the brink of extinction. The once-thriving communities that dotted the shores of the lake were swallowed by the encroaching darkness, their ruins now serving as silent reminders of the world that was lost.

Cover image: by Midjourney


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