Cyanophytes Species in Cairne | World Anvil


Intelligence is a many faceted concept, and there are many types of it around the world varying from the individual sentient humanoid, to the collective hive minds of creatures like the Ougham. The Cyanophytes are a unique type of intelligence that seems to function similarly to a hive mind, but lacks the cognitive higher awareness that would normally be associated with it. A complex mutation of a blue-green algae, these creatures are not one singular organism, but rather an entire community of tiny algal blooms resulting from a form of bacteria that exist in the fresh water systems of Cairne, such as the lakes and the Carrig River . While they remain fairly inert as long as they are receiving enough light to feed upon, in darker location or during dark seasons, they will unify and form distinctly detailed humanoid forms. Using these forms the algal blooms will function as a singular, cognitive unit, luring other creatures into the water. Once there they will use this new form to pull the unsuspecting humanoid under the surface where it will reassume a layer of algae that floats along the top of the water. Utilizing its connection with the rest of the algae and its unique ability to manipulate its form, it will then increase the tensile surface strength of its form, effectively trapping the victim under the surface of the water until they suffocate, poisoning them with a powerful secretion of cyanotoxins and then slowly digesting the body by secreting enzymes around it and drawing nutrients in that way.

Basic Information


While most would describe the inert form as pond scum or even just algae, these creatures are actually a form of bacteria found in most water sources. As with most life, exposure to the ambient Void energy has caused a significant mutation that led to it evolving into a more aggressive predator when need be. The actual Cyanophyte resembles a humanoid figure, often pulling features from past victims, but they will always have the blue green hue to them, a sure give away as to its nature, though one that is often obscured by the same darkness that drives the creature to hunt in this way. While it can assume the shape of any creature it has previously devoured, humanoids tend to be the most easy to lure into the water.

Genetics and Reproduction

The base Cyanobacteria reproduce asexually through cellular fission.

Growth Rate & Stages

Provided the organisms have either fed or have enough light to maintain their cellular energy, they can reproduce very quickly on that level, the asexual process taking merely thirty minutes or so.

Ecology and Habitats

These organisms exist in all manner of fresh and even some brackish waters. They remain inert unless in need to food. They will tend to congregate around populated areas if possible.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Photosynthesis is the primary form of gathering sustenance for this organism, and it will not act aggressively towards any other creatures if its needs are fulfilled in this way, however, if they are not, trapping and digesting the remains of animal organisms will fulfill the dietary needs as well.

Biological Cycle

While many scholars may argue on this, it does appear that the organism does have a dormant period in the colder seasons, where it will remain inert unless actively disturbed at which time it will seek to feed aggressively.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The cyanotoxins that these organisms secrete are some of the more powerful naturally occuring poisons available, and are harvested by those that know how to safely acquire them for various medical and often nefarious purposes.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Fresh water and brackish water surfaces.

Average Intelligence

No actual sentience.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Cyanophyte is completely blind despite the fact it will most often have very detailed looking eyes. This is an illusion of the form however, and the eyes themselves are merely cosmetic. The organisms that make the Cyanophyte maintain a form of environmental sensory perception that give it a sensitivity to disturbances and vibrations caused by movement and light sensitivity. Using these it will react to either stimulus.
Scientific Name
The individual bacteria has a lifespan of 24 hours.
Average Height
Varies in its Cyanophyte form.
Average Weight
Varies in Cyanophyte form.

Cover image: Cyanophyte by Midjourney


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