Mauve Einstrahum

Lady Mauve Einstrahum

Mauve Einstrahum, daughter of the renowned scientist Thomas Einstrahum, was the first documented case of a mutation that granted her the ability to manipulate minds. Despite her promising intellect, her abilities spiraled out of control, leading to a tragic incident resulting in numerous deaths, including her own. Mauve's early life was marked by isolation and the loss of her mother to Void exposure, leaving her in the care of indifferent caregivers. As she matured, Mauve's talents became evident, but her social interactions remained strained, until a sudden change made her immensely popular within her scientific community. However, her relationship with her father deteriorated, culminating in a violent confrontation where her powers were unleashed, leading to chaos and bloodshed. Despite her father's efforts to defend her, Mauve was ultimately sentenced to death for the safety of society. In her final moments, she expressed remorse and love for her father before succumbing to execution. Her tragic story sheds light on the dangers of unchecked power and the complexities of familial relationships in the face of extraordinary abilities.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Mauve was an incredibly powerful mentalist which allowed her to unwittingly control the actions and emotions of those around her.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mauve Einstrahum's story begins in the tranquil confines of Einstrahum Manor, where she was born to the esteemed scientist Thomas Einstrahum and his wife, Amelia, however, tragedy struck early in Mauve's life with the untimely death of her mother due to exposure to the enigmatic Void, leaving Thomas to raise their daughter alone.    Growing up in the shadow of grief, Mauve's childhood was marked by the absence of a mother's love and the overwhelming presence of her father's dedication to his work. Thomas, consumed by his research and battling his own demons of loss, struggled to connect with his daughter emotionally, leaving Mauve to seek solace in the companionship of caregivers who could never truly fill the void left by her mother's absence. Despite the challenges she faced, Mauve displayed remarkable intelligence from a young age, showing a keen interest in her father's work and displaying a natural aptitude for science and technology, however, her solitary nature and aversion to social interaction raised concerns among those who observed her development.   As Mauve entered adulthood, her intellect blossomed, surpassing even the most gifted minds within the scientific community. Yet, her social isolation persisted, leaving her distant and aloof from her peers. It wasn't until her twenty-third birthday that a dramatic transformation occurred, as if a switch had been flipped, and Mauve suddenly became a magnetic presence, captivating all who crossed her path with her newfound charisma. Her father, preoccupied with his own pursuits, remained largely oblivious to Mauve's evolution, further straining their already fragile relationship. As Mauve's influence grew, so too did her resentment towards her father, whose neglect fueled her growing sense of bitterness and anger.   The turning point came with a heated confrontation between father and daughter, triggering a catastrophic chain of events that would forever alter the course of their lives. In a fit of rage and despair, Mauve's latent abilities surged forth, unleashing chaos and destruction upon the once peaceful commune. Caught in the grip of her powers, Mauve's followers became unwitting pawns in her deadly game, as she manipulated their minds to serve her twisted desires. The ensuing violence and loss of life sent shockwaves throughout the community, culminating in Mauve's arrest and subsequent trial for her crimes. Despite her father's impassioned pleas for leniency, Mauve's powers were deemed too dangerous to be left unchecked, and she was sentenced to death. In her final moments, surrounded by the echoes of her father's love and regret, Mauve's tragic story came to a heartbreaking end, leaving behind a legacy of sorrow and unanswered questions.
Current Status
Date of Birth
24th of Cortus 132 PR
Date of Death
2nd of Vigor 159 PR
132 PR 159 PR 27 years old
Circumstances of Death
Executed by poison gas
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

Character Portrait image: by Midjourney


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