Varinia Corstat

Varinia Eloise Neeva Corstat

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The public history of Varinia Corstat is well known. Born in Wakeholme in PR.3066 to parents Belefort and Hardina, she proved to be an exceptionally bright child, helping her parents run their book transcribing business. Upon the death of her mother Hardina in 3078, her father Belefort accepted an offer from the royal book-binders in Kinsway to join their ranks. So the pair moved to Kinsway, where Varinia found herself spending much time in court.   As a teenager, she caught the eyes of many of the young nobility hanging around, but she had eyes for one of them, choosing instead a loftier goal - acceptance into the royal court. She strived to make herself useful for years, and eventually succeeded. In 3089, at the age of 23, she was appointed as the royal envoy to Reclana. She took this posting with zeal, and helped broker a favourable trade deal for lumber from the jungle nation. in 3094 she was reassigned overseas to Sergis, where she worked tirelessly to help secure Choque's overseas reputation.   Finally, in 3108, she was recalled to Kinsway. It seemed that a member of the Emerald Circle, the Revered Grand Cleric Faustin Ormand, had passed away, and the council had an opening. King Merle III wanted her to fill it. She accepted without hesitation. At first, she acted as an advisor 'without position' flitting between one job for the throne and the next. But then, in 3111, King Merle III died in a jousting accident. He had no siblings and no children to call his own, so it fell to Varinia to inform his cousin, Korster, that he was the new King.   Following the coronation the new King, Korster I, granted Varinia the Lord-Mayorship of Wakeholme, as a reward for her loyalty and steadying influence during the process of his ascension to the throne. This was a huge honour. To be responsible for the wellbeing of so many of the Kingdom's people, in it's largest city, was a herculean task. But Varinia embraced it with relish.   Since that day, she has spent most of her time in the City, liaising with the locals to turn it into the thriving, cosmopolitan city it is today. She left for a year in 3125 to deal with the death of King Korster, and to help set up the regency for his young son, King Deben IV. But now she is back, and the city thrives.


Of Varinia Corstat's personal life, very little is known. She has never been publicly seen in the company of any suitor, male or female, and has made no effort to find a spouse. There was a rumour some years back that she had spent some time visiting Princess Lita, the older sister of King Deneb IV, but those rumors have since dropped away, Many consider her married to her job.


Varinia is highly educated, having first attended Wakeholme Academy, and then having received tutelage from the royal household educators in Kinsway. She is considered highly intelligent, and is an energetic problem solver.


Contacts & Relations

Varinia Corstat has obvious ties with the heads of all five of Wakeholme's big crime families, as they all sit on the City Council. How deep the relationship goes beyond this can only be speculated, but the fact that the five gangs still walk the streets speaks leagues to the nature of this relationship.

Hobbies & Pets

Varinia keeps an Aviary in the grounds of Castle Wakholme, where she keeps exotic birds brought in from all across Caeteria.

Wealth & Financial state

Varinia is incredibly wealthy. As Lord-Mayor of Wakeholme and a member of the Emerald Circle, she is considered one of the richest people in the Kingdom.
Current Status
Governing Wakeholme
Current Location
Date of Birth
19th Scribe
Year of Birth
3066 PR 61 Years old
Current Residence
Castle Wakeholme
Shoulder Length Sandy Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5ft 9in
The Pantheon
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Varinia has been observed to speak Common, Elvish, Halfling, Dwarven, Gnomish, and Undercommon, but it may well be that she knows more than this.
Ruled Locations


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