Chairman Rank/Title in Caeteria | World Anvil


Chairman is a multi-use term used to describe the head of an organisation or company. Sometimes it has other uses.


usually, a chairman must have passed through the ranks of the organisation they are head of over many years, but sometimes exceptions are made.


With most organisations a board, or similar higher tier group, elects a chairman, usually from amongst themselves.


The respected elder members of the Frontiersmen Guild elected the first known chairman anywhere on Caeteria in PR.2107 at their first ever Annual General Meeting, when they decided that the guild must have a figurehead. A transcript from the time reads as follows;
"...And now we come to Article Four on our agenda. The Honorable board members accept the need that, like any nation or similar entity, our esteemed organisation requires a figurehead to be singular voice and face representing the direction that we, the organisation as a whole, wish to take. We need someone willing to dine with lords and kings. A man willing to push our agenda at the meetings of the world's most powerful people. (The esteemed member gestures to a large empty chair at the centre of the table.) A man brave enough to sit in this chair. A chair... man. We'll work on the name. Any who wish to be considered for the position, please inquire with one of the board members before the end of today..."
The title of chairman is in steady use amongst organisations and companies across Caeteria.
The first recorded use of the term Chairman was at the Frontiersmen Guild first Annual General Meeting in PR.2107 in Kastor City.
Form of Address
Sir, Madam, Chairman, Chairwoman, Chairperson
Alternative Naming
CEO, Company Head
Equates to
Prime Minister/President (Ecumiz Chairman Only)
Source of Authority
The body which elected them
Length of Term
Current Holders


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