Caerwyn The Great Calamity

The Great Calamity

Era beginning/end


The Great Calamity... A war? A plague? Perhaps something more mysterious? All we know is that the calamity ended with The Five, the godly beings that created the built our world from the ashes of the old, creating the new Races and blessing us with the Magic that permeates our world.   It's also said that the One Chained in the Dark rose at this time, but was thwarted by the Five - chained in a demiplane of complete darkness. There it's influence over the world was lessened, though not completely destroyed.

The Great Calamity was a world-changing event that led to the disappearance of the Ancients. Historians have spent centuries trying to determine exactly what happened but no one is quite sure. All that is certain, is that this event led to the creation of the Five, the rise of the One Chained in the Dark, and the eventual resetting of the world.

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