The Black Drake Organization in Caen | World Anvil
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The Black Drake

In the shanty taverns of Five Fingers and Clockers Cove, sailors whisper of the cursed ship: The Black Drake. Legends say that a ghostly Cryxian ship, rising a flag marked with the black drake, terrorizes the southern sea. These ethereal ghosts, bound to their ship for an eternity, are said to wander the seas killing all that cross their paths; with each attack, they leave only a single survivor, branded with their draconic symbol.

Malak's sources with the la Sorcières de Destin report that the ship has been spotted sailing south of Mercir. While much of the documents information is censored, it states that the ship is led by First Mate Arnett "the idiot" Knotty. Further details suggest that the ship's former captain, "Captian" Jacques Moineau, desperately chases after his former crew.

The report makes one thing clear, it is estimated that The Black Drake has hidden over 3,000 gold.
Illicit, Pirate Crew
Training Level
Veterancy Level
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