Mercir Geographic Location in Caen | World Anvil
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Remote and difficult to reach by land, Mercir has nonetheless become one of the most important port cities in western Immoren. A major trade hub and the headquarters of the powerful The Mercarian League , Mercir is also the closest city to the Great Cygnaran Observatory, which sits high in the nearby Wyrmwall Mountains, and it is home to a significant lodge of the Order of Wizardry.

Even before the Claiming, these two factors made Mercir a tempting home for Cyrissist cultists, and many Cyrissists have openly relocated to the city since the Sancteum’s proclamation of religious tolerance. In Mercir, these inquisitive folk make extensive use of the observatory and work with the arcanists of the Order of Wizardry to craft new methods of navigation, often heavily funded by members of The Mercarian League.

More recently, Mercir has become an important link in the construction of King Julius Raelthorne’s new army and much of the know-how behind the storm chambers that power all of Cygnar’s new ’jacks comes from the peninsula. Mercir’s wizards were already well versed in weather magic thanks to the demands of The Mercarian League, and the influx of Cyrissist technology has facilitated Mercir’s development of exciting new advances in storm chamber engineering for manufacture elsewhere.
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