Synthetic Molecular Motor Technology / Science in Caelum Prime | World Anvil

Synthetic Molecular Motor

The synthetic molecular motor is a groundbreaking technology designed to efficiently generate power for spacecraft like the "Ripper Star." It operates based on the principles of nanotechnology and synthetic chemistry. Here's an overview of how it works:  


The synthetic molecular motor consists of specially designed molecules that undergo controlled structural changes when exposed to external stimuli, such as light or heat. These molecules are engineered at the nanoscale, allowing for precise control over their behavior.  

Energy Conversion:

Photon Absorption: The synthetic molecules are engineered to absorb photons, typically from sunlight. The absorption of photons induces a change in the molecular structure, initiating a cascade of events.   Structural Changes: Upon photon absorption, the molecules undergo structural changes, such as isomerization or conformational changes. These changes are designed to be reversible, ensuring the cyclic operation of the motor.   Mechanical Motion: The structural changes result in mechanical motion at the molecular level. This motion is harnessed to generate mechanical work or, in this case, to rotate a turbine-like structure.   Electricity Generation: The rotating molecular structures are connected to a generator, converting the mechanical motion into electrical energy. This generated electricity is then stored in the ship's power grid or used to power various systems directly.  


Efficiency: The synthetic molecular motor aims for high energy conversion efficiency, utilizing a controlled and optimized process of molecular motion.   Versatility: The system is designed to work with various energy sources, not limited to sunlight. It can potentially harness energy from other sources like ambient heat or radiation.   Durability: Engineered at the molecular level, the components are designed to withstand harsh conditions of space and prolonged use.   Sustainability: As it can harness energy from multiple sources, it contributes to the sustainability of the spacecraft, reducing the dependence on finite resources.   The synthetic molecular motor represents a leap in energy technology, offering a compact, efficient, and sustainable power source for long-term space missions.

Social Impact

Its effect has been the ability to create a colony ship to travel long distances to another world.
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Cover image: by Lady Wynter


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