Queen Superior Rank/Title in Caelum Prime | World Anvil

Queen Superior


Born into the royal bloodline, must undergo spiritual rites of passage


Inherits the title upon the passing of the previous monarch. Mourning of the pervious monarch last seven days. At the end there is a huge feast. This is followed by a week of meditation and reflection before the new Queen Superior is inducted into the role


Govern the kingdom, uphold the values and beliefs of Infinite Grace, protect and nurture the land and its people, serve as a spiritual leader and mediator.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Rare and usually only in cases of extreme misconduct or incapacity, decided upon by the nobles, the military council, and Priests.
Royalty, Hereditary
Still in Effect
24 Aurora 24 0 AE
Form of Address
Your Majesty or Queen Superior
Source of Authority
Divine Right
Length of Term
Related Locations
Related Organizations

Cover image: by Lady Wynter


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