Mesain Character in Caelum Prime | World Anvil


(a.k.a. Duskmist Lament)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Duskmist Lament is a sorrowful entity that embodies the tragedy of loss and despair. According to legend, it was once a grieving mother who lost her children to the ravages of war and sorrow. Consumed by grief, her spirit became bound to the mists that shroud the twilight hours, forever lamenting her loss and seeking to draw others into her sorrowful embrace.   As the tale goes, those who encounter Duskmist Lament are overcome by an overwhelming sense of sadness and despair. It is said that her mournful cries can be heard echoing through the misty twilight, warning travelers of the dangers that lurk in the shadows. Some believe that she is a manifestation of the Gloombringers' influence, a spectral reminder of the pain and suffering that they bring upon the world.   Some say she was blinded by grief and consumed by rage, she made a pact with the Gloombringers and traded her humanity for the power to exact vengeance upon those who had wronged her. Her mournful wails herald death and destruction, according to this version.
Current Location

Cover image: by Lady Wynter
Character Portrait image: by Lady Wynter


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