The Island of Nowhere Geographic Location in Caanae | World Anvil

The Island of Nowhere


This island is a small rise above the Wyglagas Glun, and is a small rocky bit of land with little vegetation. With no natural harbor, and little beach, the approach to the island is easily defensible. However, it is also located so remotely that it has little strategic advantage.

Localized Phenomena

During the events that led to the end of the Age of Mists, the island became a microcosm of intense wintery weather. Within six miles of the island winds fluctuate between storm and hurricane levels, while temperatures remain freezing all year, while the roiling clouds dump snow at blizzard levels.

Fauna & Flora

A colony of puffins once made their home on the island as part of their migration pattern, but it is unknown if they have returned since the island began its strange weather.


It was uncommon to visit before the wild weather pattern over the island, but no ship has been known to make it through the strange intense weather since the end of the Age of Mist.

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