Abomuledr Species in Bygones | World Anvil


Thought to be the original sea monster, abomuledr (pl: abomuledr) are vicious serpents, terrifying in appearance, who have never been documented losing a confrontation with humans. If seen, retreat. This is not a drill.

Basic Information


In many ways, abomuledr resemble descriptions of sea serpents in the past, though not nearly as majestic in person. They have serpent shaped heads, that taper into a toothed, funnel-like sucking mouth with no jaws. They have many tails, one of which is almost always in their mouth until it is eventually severed by its teeth.   Abomuledr have seven eyes on top of their heads which are small and beady, while underneath from the throat downwards are several gill-like structures that excrete a strange substance. It dissolves almost immediately when submerged, but is extremely venomous when not. No one knows what the substance is for except for when attacking above water.   Their colouring can change immensely, as they are rather reflective of the colours around them underwater. However, when seen above water, they become a very murky green and brown. This is also thought to be their colour when dead, as only dead ones have been seen completely above water when the creature isn’t being stealthy.

Genetics and Reproduction

Abomuledr live solitary existences. They appear to be able to breed on their own, laying eggs that then are hidden for an unknown period of time before they hatch.

Growth Rate & Stages

Abomuledr have been known to reach 60 feet in length, however they grow slowly and continuously over their lifetime. It is thought they can continue to grow larger than that, given a long enough lifespan and a large enough space.   If infant abomuledr do not part ways immediately (if indeed they hatch at the same time), they have been known to consume each other. Even a young abomuledr is vicious and has been unable to be caught or killed by human. However, the dead ones seen on land are often smaller than most seen in the water. Though infant abomuledr consume each other if they don’t part ways, so it is known that is not the reason for the corpses found.

Ecology and Habitats

They are extremely strong creatures, able to shift the earth under the deepest of waters. They can handle not only the pressure of living at the bottom of the ocean, but the ability to rapidly ascend and breach the surface of the water without any apparent harm.

Dietary Needs and Habits

When it consumes someone, they produce a visual copy of that person who can then roam about the world as normal. These visions have no idea they are not the real person, having retained a perfect copy of the real person’s memories and everything else. What the abomuledr does with these copies is unknown. It is thought they have control over these visions and are able to make these people do as they wish subtly, such as bring more victims to the water. However, this isn’t just done with human beings and never has there been a mass draw of people to water after this was done. So all we have is theories about what it was used for, what it might be used for, and a watchful eye to see when it happens.   The Abomuledr consume their tails as they come into their mouths. It is unknown whether that is a dietary need or not, but it does cut down on how many tails they have, as they grow more and more as they live on as well.   Outside of this, it is unknown what abomuledr eat.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

These monsters can be found in any source of water. While most known for coming from the ocean, they have been found in lakes, rivers, and swamps, all sized for the amount of water they live in.

Average Intelligence

Abomuledr are extremely intelligent. Despite never fully coming out of the water, it appears they understand what is going on above land. As years go on and weapons against them were improved, never once did one of them intentionally do as they were meant to with an Abomuledr. They always know how to exploit the weakness of any assault against them. An abomuledr has never been documented as slain by a human being and the corpses found on shore are thought to have died from disease, as they were no more or less ripped up except by the fish that tried to eat from them, who would also be found dead in the area.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

While having seven eyes, abomuledr do not appear to use them. Under the water they use their entire body to catch the movement of anything within several miles. Above water appears to be the same, using the vibrations in the air.

Cover image: by StockSnap


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