The World in Breaking the Gauntlet: The State of Umbra | World Anvil
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The World

The State of Umbra

We hide our world from those who would be driven mad. We must always wear our armor, hide what we are under the gauntlet as we shake their hands.
— A Demon Lord

The Three Realms

Mundane World

This is the normal world of humans. Blissful in the knowledge the things that go bump in the night are nothing more than fairy tales. Able to move through their lives without the fear of Werewolves, Vampires, Mages, or Demons.

The Gauntlet

The Gauntlet is what the Supernaturals call the barrier between their world and the world of the mundane. Stated as the armor to protect them and keep them safe. Breaking the Gauntlet is the ultimate sin of the Wyrd World.

Wyrd World

While this world is not vastly different from the world of the Mundane, it is solely inhabited by anything other than normal humans. Held to various standards of their own kind, the only over-arching law or rule is not breaking the Gauntlet.

Those Who Protect the Gauntlet

Sentinels of the Wyrd

Mundane Sentinels

There are those who have an understanding of the Gauntlet and why it must not be broken. A majority of the mundane that fall under this group are Native Americans, Romanies, mediums, mages, shamans, etc. They know of the Wyrd World and the dangers it holds and also the wonders that have come from it. They will be the ones to steer the Mundanes away from the Wyrd as well as the ones to tell the hunters of those who break the Gauntlet.
Supernatural Sentinels

Demons are the main force of policing the Gauntlet in the Wyrd World. Why? They know who will be blamed for disruption with the Mundane, them. The response has always been purge when this happens and who does the purging of Demons? Angels. While others, such as mages, hunters, some WereCreatures are also part of the supernatural sentinels, Demons are still those held to the task because of their want to play with the mundane and not break the gauntlet.


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