Archipelago-2 in BREACH | World Anvil


Join BREACH, they said. See wonders beyond imagining, they said....
— Nyla Baker, BREACH explorer
A few outcroppings of rock, barren except for the slimy residue of dying algae, just barely jutting out of a rolling, storm-tossed sea covered in a seemingly endless mat of not-yet-dying algae. The air has just barely enough oxygen to breath, though the smell makes you regret it. Humidity is 99% on a dry day, and the days are too long. Star positions say this is Earth, and close to the modern era, but something went wrong. Life never got too complex. The dominant form of plant life is gargantuan algae colonies. Animal life is limited to colony organisms like sponges and jellyfish, clusters of barely-differentiated cells. A single shallow ocean covers the planet, except near the poles. Except for a few volcanoes and their islands (most of which are wearing down), there is no land remaining.

While Trilobite Tidepool generates some interest by offering a look at the start of a diverse and complex ecosystem, Archipelago-2 (as far as can be determined from the area surrounding the breach point) is at most a look at a world in ecological near-stasis. BREACH's limited resource for 'pure science' are better spent elsewhere.

World Type
Alternate Dominant
~3.5 billion years ago
Current Year


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