Braythe: Shattered Realities Discussion Boards

Feedback and questions

Mon, Oct 11th 2021 06:00
Find an inconsistency? Something unbalanced? Or do you have a question about the Braythe setting? This is the place for you!

Public feedback

Mon, Oct 11th 2021 06:02
If you find a problem with the Braythe setting - something unbalanced or inconsistent, for example -, please post your feedback here. Of course, it is perfectly allowed to post praise, too. ;-)
  And stories! Let me hear the stories of your adventures in Braythe!

Public questions

Mon, Oct 11th 2021 06:03
Do you have any questions about the Braythe setting? This is the place to ask!
Braythe: Shattered Realities Discussion Boards

General Discussions

Wed, Oct 13th 2021 11:32
General discussions about the Braythe: Shattered Realities setting

Content discussions

Wed, Oct 13th 2021 11:35
Here you can talk about the B:SR setting content! Please note that discussions about inconsistencies or imbalanced content belong in the "Feedback and questions" board.
Braythe: Shattered Realities Discussion Boards

Gaming area

Mon, Oct 11th 2021 06:04
This is the place for play-by-post games in Braythe!

Find your group

Mon, Oct 11th 2021 06:06
Find a group or search for a new player in this board. General discussion about organizing a game are also allowed. Not only for play-by-post groups, but also games on other platforms.