Jaculi Species in Borgalor | World Anvil
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Kmúþic: Múrúx Jó-yrn /muːruks jouʔɪːrtn̥/

Jaculi are small, flying reptiles native to the arid Lamþó Hills of southern Jælondis, which despite their similarities to Wyverns in the Qug Mountains to the northeast are only distantly related to them.
They are highly social, with each pack inhabiting a frankincense tree or other hardy, sap-producing trees and bushes found in the region, which provide the animals with shade as well as insects and sap to feed on. Jaculi are nocturnal, spending most of the day resting by hanging in single files in the shade under the branches of their favoured tree or bush, and feed and socialize during nighttime. They are highly territorial however, and warn anyone approaching their home by waving their long tail and hissing before swarming the intruder, biting and stinging them with their tails until the they flee.
The spike at the end of a jaculus' tail contains a venom which, while non-lethal, causes chronic pain that can last for weeks even when treated, but that hasn't stopped some from collecting precious frankincense from the desert hills.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Jaculi mate during the summer and lay the eggs in burrows under the their home tree or bush to shield them from the intense sun and heat, protecting them from snakes and other animals as well as they can until they hatch a few months later.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

While most borgaloreans want nothing to do with jaculi, the few who have managed to catch some report that their meat, when roasted, has an odd but not unpleasant flavour.
Southern Jælondis
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Average Length
15 cm
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The scales are mostly dark brown, with lighter underside and patagium, and white spikes along the back


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