Iridescent snails Item in Boomal | World Anvil
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Iridescent snails

The iridescent snail, Magnicoccus minus, is a small magnicoccid, which has been researched for its beauty since its discovery in 734.II.


Those snails are extremely appreciated for their impressive displays of colours, especially the males. Their shell can take any existing colour. Recently, it is highly fashionable for wealthy people to posess an iridescent snail, to the point that the price of a single male has been multiplied by twenty over the last six years, and poachers often yearn for them, and try to find some by stealing them from others or by attempting to find some in the jungle.
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
Current Location
Iridescent snails are very rare, even more hard to find, as they live deep in the jungle.
~15 grains
1 dactyl (shell)
Base Price
10 000 shields for one male

Cover image: by Furilax


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