Cambion Species in Book of the Damned | World Anvil


A cambion is the product of a union between a demon (more often then not, one of lust) and a mortal. Though in certain circumstances they are allowed to live, commonly this species is hunted and killed by both species and seen as an abomination. Like other hybrids, they have three potential sides of their being: demon, human, and balanced. Due to this they are not bound to either and are more powerful than both. Due to their rareness, most lore books contain only basic information regarding the species and their abilities.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Cambions, similar to the majority of hybrids, are infertile, unable to ever reproduce. This also includes cambions who are more mortal than balanced or demonic, as it was rumored that only then can they lay with humans. This has been proven untrue.

Biological Cycle

The biological cycle of a cambion can be sped up or slowed depending on the state of the hybrid. If far more mortal then the cambion will age as a normal human would, and will one day die. A balanced cambion's life slows and though they still age, it is far slower than a typical human. And a demonic cambion will see their life pause entirely and will thus become immortal like any other demon.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Seen as abominations that shouldn't exist to both humans and demons, cambions are seen at the bottom of the social structure when, ability wise, they are far above. For humans, cambions are monsters that need to be destroyed for the good of both humanity and the individual themselves. Hunters believe they are freeing the cambion from an otherwise malevolent and evil life by killing them, allowing their soul to be saved. Demons, on the other hand, are far harder to understand. Some see the union between humans as odious and so the offspring must die. Few, jealous of the abilities a cambion possesses, will quickly kill them to maintain power balance.   For cambions born of the Princes, demons suffer them. Gluttony was only accepted amongst the demons once he rose to the status of Prince, and Sydero faces disrespect and hostility from all demons, though they keep their distance mostly.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Being a creature of magic, cambions have a wide range of power depending on which side they are leaning forward. If they lean mortal then aging is similar to that of a human and only have enhanced senses. A demonic leaning cambion is the most powerful and see a wider range of abilities but are more likely to lose their humanity in the process. Both sides are difficult to come back from. Balanced, though not the most powerful, is the wisest in the end, allowing a cambion to keep their personality as well as using a variety of abilities.  
  • Enhanced Senses such as smell, hearing, and sight
  • Enhanced Combat Skills
  • Enhanced Speed, Endurance, and Durability
  • Enhanced Senses
  • Empathy
  • Levitation
  • Teleportation
  • Mana and Energy Manipulation
  • Empathy
  • Demonic Physiology
  • Invulnerability
  • Levitation
  • Teleportation
  • Mana and Energy Manipulation
  • Demon Variation Powers
  • Hell Manipulation
  • Memory Manipulation
  Cambions see a wide range of strengths but share weaknesses with higher-classed demons. Things such as holy water will not effect a cambion whatsoever due to their human side. The weaknesses listed are only for those of balanced or demonic leaning, those leaning mortal face all the same weaknesses a normal human would.
  • Blessed Areas: Cambions are unable to enter blessed buildings or upon hallowed ground.
  • Demon Blades: Blades specifically crafted to kill a demon or with anti-demon warding can significantly wound a cambion.
  • Angels: Powerful angels can easily kill a cambion.
  • Pentagrams and Anti-Demon Warding: Upon entering a circle that holds the sigil or warding, a cambion is unable to escape it. Due to being half human only balanced cambions have the ability to leave a pentagram or warding area, and to hold them specific wards are needed. If broken or damaged the cambion can escape.


Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Daemonium
Potentially Immortal
Related Species

Series Information

First Appearance
“No Good Deed”

Known Cambions

  • Gluttony: glutton cambion (formerly)

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
All parents:


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