Orisolan Species in Bond108 | World Anvil
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Orisolan, Oriso for short, are a race of anthropomorphic polar bears. These reclusive anthropomorphic bears tend to live around mountains and snow.

Basic Information


They look like anthropomorphic polar bears, with cute little tails.

Genetics and Reproduction

ask a human.

Ecology and Habitats

Mountains, cold pine forests, and some warmer tundras.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Omnivores, tend to eat more meat though.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

very short fur, long leather nose, human like mouth, kinda circley ears (just google a polar bear, shorten the nose, make it standing up)

Average Intelligence

Human like?

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

good smell, normal sight, maybe bad hearing at times

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Generally an Orisolan names have a first name, family name, then their home's location. All three are given normally, when meeting an Orisolan for the first time. It is acceptable to then refer to them as just their first name, or full name.   Generally a person is given a name at birth that they use till they are mature, after which there is a ceremony and, a new name is chosen, as well as gender/pronouns. Before that the genderless pronouns are used (the fourth noun class, for inanimate objects not the nb one).  

Common Names

Male Names: Roseni, Uraluned, Garan, Torenan, Farusen
Female names: Yolivarni, Lanrasni, Porendirni, Oranilen
NB Names: Tolinarni, Ratuseni, Gotenan, Fosoluned
family Names: Uren, Tor, Sani, Enan, Oran
*Family names are all 2 syllables

Major Organizations

The Sanuliwani Confederacy is pretty big for off world orgs. Other than that, check out Ievahed World Congress and its member states.

Beauty Ideals

Long Nose, short ear. Additionally they like to dye their fur into different patterns like human tattoos.

Courtship Ideals

Meet, introduce to any other partners, get to know each other, form their own family.

Relationship Ideals

Small Group of self sufficient friends and/or lovers.

Average Technological Level

Earth + like 200 to 400 years Space colonies, space elevator, ob

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Language: Osilorarin

Common Etiquette Rules

Don't assume pronouns.

Common Dress Code

Shorts, shirts optional. Sometimes people don't like shirts because their warm, sometimes because it hides their fur dye. Shirts are often the equivalent of human Hawaiian shirts because everywhere is warm for them.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

nomadic tribes and mountain villages

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

For the first snow of the year, everyone has the day off, comes together and tells stories of the dead, mourns the people who died in the last year, and has fun in the snow.

Common Taboos

Talking about conflict between other people, or even wars

Common Myths and Legends

The spirits of the dead live in snow storms, sometimes helping, other times hindering, always watching.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Mostly Reculsive from other sentient species.
Scientific Name
Ursa Sapian
Average Height
8 foot
Average Weight
400 lbs
Average Physique
Strong, a little slow
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Gennerally white, occasionally more gray, rarely brown
Related Myths

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Author's Notes

If we make a language here, not necessarily gendered word endings, but limited number of word endings syllable structure: (C)V(C), must have at least one consenent for every vowel. <- outdated and wrong, see the language page for current info

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