/ɵβʌhɛʎumʔkɵ/(Culture for Fudel Socialist Democracy) Ethnicity in Bond108 | World Anvil
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/ɵβʌhɛʎumʔkɵ/(Culture for Fudel Socialist Democracy)

more of a collectivist society with expectations of leaders that they intend to hold them to.

Naming Traditions

Other names

Generally an Orisolan names have a first name, family name, then their home's location. All three are given normally, when meeting an Orisolan for the first time. It is acceptable to then refer to them as just their first name, or full name.   Generally a person is given a name at birth that they use till they are mature, after which there is a ceremony and, a new name is chosen, as well as gender/pronouns. Before that the genderless pronouns are used (the fourth noun class, for inanimate objects not the nb one).


Shared customary codes and values

societal/national good over personal gain.

Average technological level

Giant Mech knights!

Common Etiquette rules

Don't assume pronouns. Say hi to people you know.

Common Dress code

Togas, with some some nice head dye.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Rather than full body fur dying, they only dye their heads.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The dead person is cremated, and the ashes returned to where they were born. Where the entire town mourns the person for a week or so, often adding temporary dye to their normal pattern, if you were related to the dead person

Common Taboos

Talking about conflict between other individual people. Insulting someone's "honor".

Common Myths and Legends

The spirits of the dead live in snow storms, sometimes helping, other times hindering, always watching. (see the Risani Aled farud (First Snow Festivle)).


Beauty Ideals

Round ears. Additionally they like to dye their fur into different patterns like human tattoos. (see Orisolan Fur Dying )

Courtship Ideals

Meet, introduce to any other partners, get to know each other, be seen in public a lot, then make own family with everyone's approval. (which is like always given)

Relationship Ideals

A group of friends and maybe lovers who help each other and live together.

Major organizations

Parent ethnicities
Encompassed species

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Author's Notes

going to fill this out once the corasponding nation has been expanded

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