Karadu Geographic Location in Board Game Guys: Space Adventure | World Anvil
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Karadu was a bountiful and wealthy planet in the Middle Reach, close to the border of the Outer Reach. Eighty-three percent of the planet is covered by deep salt water oceans while the rest is covered by small volcanic archipelagos. It is home to the Kang-Kuwu species and the Kla-Han Kusum faith. Empress Yai Hira-Toku has been reelected as Empress of Karadu for her fifth consecutive term. Karadu is the capital planet of the Karadu Empire, an empire that spans the Kla-Han Kusum System. Hal-Kaman and Kuson are the twin moons that orbit Karadu.
"Ahhh... Karadu. I have a couple of subaqueous vacation homes in the oceans of Karadu." -President G'eo'fu're'fe'ih Zug
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