Harpy Species in Blood Well | World Anvil


Foul tempered things. Their tongues will lash you even worse than their talons will.
Meanspirited and opportunistic, the Harpies of the Land of the Dead are souls that were quick tempered and volatile in life. They are hostile to almost everyone and everything, always ready to let loose a string of insults and curses about whatever displeases them at that moment. Harpies have very high opinions of themselves, imagining themselves as proud falcons and majestic eagles, but any Soul that has had the misfortune to encounter them will be far less charitable, instead likening them to vultures and other foul carrion feeders.   Harpies are closely related to the larger, more charismatic Sirens and the fragile, mimicking Lyres.

Chorus of Wrath

Harpies have taken on the forms of men and women who would be considered attractive if they weren't warped and twisted by hatred and vitriol. Their bodies are warped into an avian-like form, with feathered arms that have been elongated into full wings, and feet elongated into wicked talons. They rarely take care of their own plumage, with feathers often irreversibly stained in shades deep reds and muddy browns by the filth and viscera they gorge upon.

Song of the Flaying Tongue

Cowardly and opportunistic predators, Harpies are timid alone, but grow overconfident and belligerent in large groups, relying on an apparent strength in numbers. Flocks of Harpies will mob any Soul they deem as being weak and vulnerable, diving in and slashing with cruel talons and hurling insults from the air with even more cruel, mocking tongues. If their chosen target is capable of fighting back, they will circle in the sky, yelling down curses to inflame and distract until a gap in the foe's defences can be exploited and overwhelmed.   In many parts of the Land of the Dead, to give another Soul a Harpy's tongue is considered the gravest insult imaginable.
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