Dawnwick Settlement in Bloheron | World Anvil
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The fastest growing of the rural villages east of the Parus Barren, Dawnwick is quickly losing it's innocence. Some say it was founded too close to the area where ruins concentrate along the border of the barrens as it was recently the target of an incursion from creatures in the labyrinth. There have been many close encounters over the years, but the Adventurers' Guild keeps close account of the situation in the labyrinth. Their proactive expeditions have done much to prevent the situation from getting out of control. Dawnwick has mixed fortunes with its proximity to Stormfort. As activity in the labyrinth around Stormfort ebbs, bored adventurers find their way north to Thornrest. Most travel with the big caravans that use the east road through the barren. The ones that take the old north road through the forest find themselves in Dawnwick.    Many adventurers are already familiar with the town, having been on expeditions to the area in the past, but were kept out of the town because of the expedition rules set in place by the Guild. Such rules prevent the expeditions from accidentally taking on other duties in the villages and threatening the existing governing powers. With that leash off, there have been many incidents between townsfolk and migrating adventurers. Adding to the troubles, a gang of young, dissatisfied malcontents has come together and some of their members have been incited to physical violence.    The village elder made it clear it was their parents' responsibility to curb their children's bad behavior. A vigilante group sprang up almost overnight and went against both the misbehaving adventurers and the gang. The violence was short lived. A retired adventurer took control of the situation and several adventurers were blacklisted. Much of the gang was indentured to strict trade masters and the town was once again peaceful except for a few ongoing incidents concerning a vendetta the leader of the gang had.    The Wright Inn became a restaurant with lodging only for special guests and the road into the south part of town was gated. The road now leads around the town to the west and north and by special agreement with Kursk Mercantile leads past the quarry before rejoining the old road. Across from the stables for the Kursk caravans, a new inn called the Coster's Folly was built as was a retail outlet run by the Kursks. They serve as the main hub for Kursk Mercantile caravans and have the experience to deal with the shenanigans of adventurers including being a Guild Affiliate. The Folly also attracts those that want more of a tavern than the Wright but aren't brave enough to go to the Four Fauns or the Ruined Tap.   Construction in the town is combined wood and stone. The earliest houses are entirely of wood and are to the south and east. The more north and westerly buildings incorporate increasing amounts of stone, in particular the ones close to the quarry. There is a market at what was the original center of town. Most of the shops have fronts facing the market and some booths are permanent structures. It is also the place where festivals and gatherings take place, and the occasional public punishment by stocks. Many of the in town roads spread out from here like spokes.   The town still operates with an Elder as the main source of governance. If they are unsure of the fairness of a judgment they may ask others' opinions or assemble a temporary council. By and far the people of Dawnwick see to their own affairs. That is having to change as the town grows and conflict becomes more frequent. There are already people trying to stop the Elder's  grand-niece from being the next Elder. She's already mediated disputes, reinstated the Rangers and created the Readymen who were responsible for putting out the fires the night of the goblin raid.

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