Mynowar Vehicle in Blivera | World Anvil
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A sudden whirring fills the air, drowning everything else into silence. The ground shakes as a squadron of mynowars charge over the brow of a hill. A seat lies on top of a singular wheel, three times the height of the dwarven rider. He carries a crossbow and sword, firing at the enemy. The squadron comes to an abrupt halt as two metal brakes fire out of the wheel and attach themselves firmly to the ground. They begin their assault.

Power Generation

It is powered by a tiny fragment of Asherstone.


Energy unleashed from the asherstone gives the mynowar ample power to propel itself. The wheel is able to maintain momentum with little to no upkeep.

Weapons & Armament

There are no fixtured weapons apart from the operator, a dwarf armed with an axe and a crossbow. Some dwarves choose to add modifications to their mynowar, such as automatic arrow launchers.

Armor and defense

Made of metal, it needs no protection from arrows or swords.


The mynowar has sensors which detect the requirement for the use of automatic emergency brakes. These sensors can be disabled.

Additional & auxiliary systems

The brakes, once the pedal is pressed, are automatic, shooting out metal beams with high-powered presses which attach themselves to the ground, steadying the mynowar.
The Wicked Wheel
Owning Organization
It is currently priced at around 20,000 dwarven dawens.
Globally the mynowar is very rare, but common for some superior squadrons in the Dwarven Freehold.
It is approximately two metres in length.
14 Feet
It is very heavy, in the region of 1500 kg.
It can reach speeds of up to 60 mph, far faster than any other battlefield vehicle or soldier can travel.
Complement / Crew
It only requires one crew member, the driver.
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
There is only space for one person, though there is some room for weapons to be placed.


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