Pelagic Ways
The Pelagic Ways is the name given to the many tradtions of worship that honor the Jasceenah and the Jasceenea. Almost every coastal community, and every good and neutral aquatic community has some form of Pelagic worship. Some of these sects are organized, and some are more shamanistic, but they all have common tenets and practices.
The main division in pelagic faiths are based upon geography. In the west they follow the Jukano Tradtion which focuses on the wealth and power of the sea, whereas the eastern Traxan Tradition is more focused on the ever present but ever changing nature of the ocean. The Jukano Tradition is much more organized, especially on the island nation of Thalassocracy of Chel, with temples to the entire Jasceenea or one specific member in every major city and a hierarchy of priests.
Tenets of Faith
All Pelagic faiths believe that the ocean is powerful and demands respect. For most this equates to offerings and prayers, usually pertaining to whatever way that a community makes its living off the ocean. Common offerings range from fish, trade goods, or in the case of pirates and merchants gold.
Religious, Organised Religion