Fenster District Organization in Biethal | World Anvil

Fenster District

The Fenster District is one of the most rough and tumble of the principle states of the Kingdom of Tiveldech. While the capitol of Fenster is very much settled, much of the rest of the district is thick forest, with many logging operations active there. The District is well known for its extremely skilled archers, and a major export from the city are master crafted Longbows and crossbows.


The District is very decentralized, with the various logging barons controlling their own little fiefdoms, though always paying their dues to the current Lord of Fens. The current lord is chosen by the various dignitaries of the district, which results in tense competition in arms and influence among the minor lords.

Demography and Population

The population in Fenster is mostly Humans and Halflings, while the area outside of the city is mostly populated by Wood Elves, with small fortress towns dominated by local barons.
Geopolitical, Province
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations