The Ritual Process in Beyond Ragnarok | World Anvil

The Ritual Process

The following outlines the 7 steps in the ritual process, from start to finish.

Step 1:

Collect your Ritual Form

Before performing any ritual, you will need to complete the Ritual Form. These can be collected at GOD at any point whenever GOD is open. These forms are required to ensure that it is clear what the intended result of the Ritual is, and so that the information required to perform the ritual is provided to the Ritualist performing the Ritual. Therefore, only a character with the Ritualist Skill can collect a Ritual Form.

An example of a Ritual Form is included at the end of this guide.

Step 2:

Complete Part A

Every Ritual will have a minimum Power Requirement to perform the Ritual. The Power Requirement will depend on what you want to achieve in the Ritual.
Complete Part A by detailing the following information:

  • Your Character Name and Player ID
  • The Purpose of the Ritual, including the desired effect.
  • The Runes you wish to use in the ritual. These are the runes you associate with the ritual, not necessarily the Rune Cards you will be using to power the Ritual.
  • Any items you wish to use in the ritual, and their purpose.

  • For Example:

    A Ritual to extend the expiry date of a runic item by one year

    Having collected the Ritual Form from GOD, Ritualist A completes Part A of the Ritual Form:

    1. They write their character name and Player ID in the ‘Character Name/PID’ box.
    2. They write what they hope to achieve with the ritual in the ‘Purpose of Ritual’ box.
    3. They write the runes they associate with the ritual in the ‘Runes’ box. For the purposes of this Ritual, Ritualist A chooses Thurisaz, as this represents ‘Offence’ relating to the weapon being extended, and Jera, as this represents ‘Time’.
    4. They write the item being extended into the ‘Items / Purpose.’


    Step 3:

    Power Requirement

    A ritual referee will assign a Power Requirement for your Ritual and provide your paperwork with a unique Ritual ID. The Power requirement is the minimum amount of Power required to perform the ritual.

    Ritual referee's can be found in the Shrine, or the crafting tent. If one cannot be found, the Crafting tent (located near to the Folkvargr Longhall can radio for one to come to you.


    At no point will you be provided the method used to calculate the Power Requirement. Be aware; depending on what you wish to achieve in your Ritual, the Power Requirement may be quite high.

    For Example:

    A Ritual to extend the expiry date of a runic item by one year.

    Ritualist A takes their Ritual Form to GOD who assigns the Ritual ID and the Power Requirement for the ritual.


    Step 4:

    Complete Part B

    Once you have your Power Requirement, you will need to prepare your Ritual by gathering the required resources and support from Ritualists or Contributors in order to perform the Ritual. As you prepare, you should complete Part B of the form and detail the following:

  • Your Name and the Power you can control, including any enhancements to your Ritual Skill.
  • Any Ritualists/Contributors contributing to your Ritual, and the Power they can control, including any enhancements and levels of Contribute.
  • This will allow the Ritual Ref to determine whether you can control enough Power to perform the Ritual or not, and any surplus Uncontrolled Power, based on the Rune Cards you provide.

    For Example:

    A Ritual to extend the expiry date of a runic item by one year.

    Ritualist A gathers their contributors and determines how much power they can control within the Ritual Circle and writes the character names and power each character can control in Part B.

    Step 5:

    Book a Ritual Slot

    Once you are ready to perform the Ritual, you will need to book a Ritual Slot at GOD. Ritual Slots can be booked in advance at any point when GOD is open. You will be asked to pick from available slots within the Ritual Session you want.

    Approximately 30 minutes before a Ritual Session starts, the schedule for that Session will be handed to the Ritual Refs and taken to the Ritual Circle. After this time, you will be unable to book a slot for that Session at GOD, as the schedule paperwork has already left with the Ritual Ref. This does not mean that you will be unable to perform a ritual within said Session if one is available, but you will instead need to talk to a Ritual Ref present at the Ritual Circle to do so.

    For Example:

    A Ritual to extend the expiry date of a runic item by one year.

    Ritualist A goes to GOD at 10:50pm on a Friday to book their Ritual Slot. They decide to book a slot at 11:30am on Saturday.

    However, they also realise that there is an available slot at 11:45pm that night. Should they choose to, they could go straight to the Ritual Ref and book that slot during the Friday Ritual Session, rather than waiting until the next day.

    Ritualist A decides that they would prefer to wait until the Saturday to perform the ritual, as their Contributors have gone out drinking!

    Step 6:

    Perform your Ritual
    Before Your Ritual

    When you arrive at the Ritual Circle at your allotted time, you will need to hand your ritual paperwork and any Rune Cards you are using to the Ritual Ref. We would advise arriving 5 minutes prior to your allotted time to ensure you have plenty of time to perform your ritual.

    Start your Ritual

    Gather your contributors and any props you want to use during the performance. You must clearly indicate you are starting your Ritual to the Ritual Ref, as time is a key element of any ritual. Timing

    Unless specified otherwise by a Referee, all rituals should be between 5 and 10 minutes long. Longer ritual times are possible, but these are still typically the remit of the Gods and beings of great magical power. The duration of a Ritual is important as the timing may affect the outcome of the ritual:

  • 0 to 5 minutes: The Ritual fails! The power used in the ritual dissipates as the ritualist has not managed to contain the power within the Ritual Circle.
  • 5 to 10 minutes: The Sweet Spot! The Ritual is scored as per the Scoring Rules which determines the final outcome of the Ritual.
  • 10 to 15 minutes: Danger Zone! The power contained within the Ritual Circle begins to destabilise and become dangerous. The Ritual will be scored as per normal, but secondary effects may occur as a result of the uncontrolled power.
  • 15 minutes: Explosion! The power contained within the Ritual Circle detonates, killing everyone within. There is no bleed count and this effect cannot be resisted in any way.
  • End Your Ritual

    When you have finished your ritual, you must make it clear that the ritual has ended to the Ritual Ref. At this point, if the ritual was completed within an acceptable time frame (i.e. between 5 and 15 minutes), they will total your score out of a maximum of 27 (9 points per category).

    The Ritual Ref will then give you your Ritual Result, and return your paperwork to you with the scoring to take to GOD.


    Your ritual will be scored using a series of parameters; full details of which can be found here: Ritual Scoring

    Step 7:

    Collect Your Results

    If the ritual was successful, you may take your paperwork to the Folkvargr crafting tent, who will take the paperwork off you and provide you with your Lammie to the specification on the ritual form, based on the outcome of your ritual.

    Example Ritual Form

