Making the Runes in Beyond Ragnarok | World Anvil

Making the Runes

Typically, magic was the remit of the Aesir and Vanir Gods only, whose innate attunement to the Runes allowed them to perform magic in many forms. Mere mortals, having no understanding of the true nature of magic and the cosmos, could historically almost never hope to perform magic.

However, with the discovery of the Natural Crystal and Shards by the Folkvargrof Midgard, mortal beings learnt how to make and release power via magically charged Runes.

Quartz, Hematite and Obsidian crystals have been found to be capable of holding magical energy within them, in a well inside the outer layer of crystal. This makes the outer layer brittle, which can be cracked to release the power within, but destroying the crystal casing.


To make a Rune, you must have the appropriate type of crystal for your skill, plus the correct ammount of Shards.

Quartz Crystal 3 x Shards
Hematite Crystal 6 x Shards
Obsidian Crystal 9 x Shards


Your character has been taught the method of carving, heating, folding and fusing together crystal units and the magical energy of a substance called Shards. You do not need a Forge physrep to create a Rune, though heat is required. At the minimum, use your body heat and concentration to fuse the Shards with the Crystal, making the Crystal malliable for a short time, and able to be carved upon.

When a character makes Runes, the final process is the carving of the runic symbol upon the stone.

You can also use smaller burner physreps, or if you want to a pan in a forge, to produce the heat required. There are options and its up to you how you want to roleplay this bit.

Rune Cards

The below are images of what the different Rune cards look like. The Runesmith decides what symbol goes upon the crafted Rune.


You will obtain Shards through your character packs, but can also trade with the Folkvargr clan on Midgard.