Item 'Lammies' in Beyond Ragnarok | World Anvil

Item 'Lammies'

You will recieve a Laminated card ('Lammie') when you make an item.

Within the Lammie will be an outer piece of paper (two sided) with details on about the item.

If the item is a Runic item, and is not 'unsalvageable' then the Lammie will also have the Rune card of the appropriate Focus Rune symbol for the item inside of it.

Lammie Example
Item Lammie

Anyone with a Smithing Profession is able to look at a Runic Item in-character and know what the item is capable of. Anyone without a Smith profession cannot do this unless told what it does; but can read the card out-of-character to know how to roleplay its use.

Lammie Components

Item Name

The item will be called by its purpose (i.e., sword of stun) unless the player specifies it to have a spectific name.


What the item does and any limitiations or requirements for its use.


What the item costs to use.

This will include the level of Rune, and the type of expenditure (i.e., 1 charge, 1 Rune, 3 Runes, etc).

Rune Used

This is the symbol of the focus rune within the item.


When the item expires. This will always be the end of the event stated.


Durability pertains to the Rune within the item.

The purpose and effects of Durability are for in-game discovery. Please see a Crafting ref NPC to discuss.

Valkyrie Cost

The small box in the bottom corner is the cost to the Valkyrie to keep the item past death (i.e., 1 Qua = 1 Quartz Rune)


Runes can be salvaged out of weapons, if the item Lammie states it can. This can be accomplished by cutting open the item Lammie and removing the Rune card that is inside.

Anyone can salvage a Rune out of a weapon, unless it is 'unsalvageable,' removing the magical power from the item.